NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

how to decode this?

Its trash.. Man coded a link within a code, then hid the link ( a likvertise) behind a bit.ly.. in the end it was a cyberdrop post.

Oh, the douchebaggery of it all!!

Stares Bomboclat Meme - bomboclat meme
White men do that to black women to shame black men. stop posting that shit! Act like A God Damn Man! You all The same as the klan just a bunch of coons.

At the end of the day, it is still porn... Don't like it, don't watch it. No matter what the "white men" do to the "black women" it has zero bearing on your life, any more than Mandingo ripping any of them a new butthole, or Bnasty doing scat. If it doesn't float your boat, don't watch it. The "degrading scenes" have been shot, and posted... It's on the net, it's not going anywhere. Even if black men don't watch, other people will, especially "racists".

You should address the actresses instead.
Ain’t shit cool about that ghetto gaggers shit at all. And yeah it’s a lil off putting to see it glorified on a supposed BLACK site. At the same time all that anger ain’t necessary. Just ammo for trolls

Glorified is a very strong word. Honestly, I feel like (I hope) 90% of dudes here don't watch gg. I personally scroll right pass it, among other things.
Dat dere is a mighty fine piece a “Chawk-Litt”. He need to gon head drop dat scene and “Let A PLAYA Play”.

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