you know 99% of the links here are from other places, like, you can get every single link here without the ads right?TBH if it wasn't for the ad links this thread would be dead. Yall just gotta get a browser extensions like tampermonkey with a skip linkvertise script. If you're on mobile then idk what you can do about that.
Thanks to all who post links here... ad link or skipped, I'll take it!
That's fine if it works for whoever, free is still free; the toleration of all these spammed ad links for so long is what led to the decrease in open quality leaks here is all.TBH if it wasn't for the ad links this thread would be dead. Yall just gotta get a browser extensions like tampermonkey with a skip linkvertise script. If you're on mobile then idk what you can do about that.
Thanks to all who post links here... ad link or skipped, I'll take it!