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NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

I'm past the age of where I can get entertainment from beefing online but when a cat comes at you disrespectful it urges something in you to respond because you know in real life they wouldn't take that tone, I won't leave it up to imagination whom I'm speaking on it's the poster 876wheels, we had a somewhat cordial interaction I would help him out with getting accounts and I suppose it's my fault I let this cat think it's magical and I should have checked him early on but I let him get this idea that he can come to me and talk to me in a tone he wouldn't dare speak in real life.

any adult who works and pays bills knows nothing is free in life these accounts we get come at a price or do you think it goes like this.

What baffles me is this dude was typing his ass off with theories on how I acquire my onlyfans content and I'm sitting here like "well if you got all these theories and you the mastermind why you don't get them yourself?"

All these theories about how cats getting shit yet only 4-5 people actually posting anything on this bitch, you cats are something else.

Like bro if I could hack or steal content and i had that much technical expertise you think I would waste my fucking time sitting here posting porn? if I'm going to be doing illegal shit I'm going to do something that put money in my pockets not post no fucking porn on a forum.

bitch next time just say you ain't got 10 dollars don't message me all that shit
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That K. Tease folder is a hot one. Its risky to share because that mf will get baked with a quickness rarly seen. I wanna help you but I need to think on it ?. Plus you ain't posted no megas bruh.

Like I aint even surprised. Why is her content to well protected ? Jeez :(