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NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

But ofc it was you, you fucking no life hater, it’s nothing but a copy and paste platform, you the only one reporting it as paid link, police ass boy, rat ass boy

sept 15 account already talking like you know me. Your second account here fakkit? Go cry me a river
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These guys need to start using the ignore feature, if you don’t like something hit the road and move on jack
When I clicked the link it went straight to another website and the mega was right there
@Banginscrew901 People who post controlc links get paid for clicks, too. Otherwise they would just post Megas directly. So it's an ad link, even if it's not as bad as Linkvertise, and they're trying to sneak by the ban. The issue with ad links is not just the inconvenience, it's the profit motive it gives posters that will eventually make them start spamming and doing other stupid shit. If this guy can post "less annoying" ad links then everyone else will do the same. We've seen this movie before. Please don't go backwards. No controlc ad links. Links should not require users to disable adblockers.
@Banginscrew901 People who post controlc links get paid for clicks, too. Otherwise they would just post Megas directly. So it's an ad link, even if it's not as bad as Linkvertise, and they're trying to sneak by the ban. The issue with ad links is not just the inconvenience, it's the profit motive it gives posters that will eventually make them start spamming and doing other stupid shit. If this guy can post "less annoying" ad links then everyone else will do the same. We've seen this movie before. Please don't go backwards. No controlc ad links. Links should not require users to disable adblockers.
Ok didn't know it was ad links
Just caught up. Lol that was a hell of a plot twist with the account actually being some guy(maybe or maybe just someone here's alt). Seen some weird shit in this thread. That might be at the top

Also thanks to the person that posted this ones twitter account. Been trying to figure out who she was for a bit
pfiuuu finally done going through this whole mess too. But wait... if it was not her, how come they had access to her dm? Cause I believe I saw a screenshot! ??:huh2: