anyone got her stuff?
Indeed. It takes discipline to do this consistently. Two factor on everything. Turn off all the weirdo settings in browsers. Isolated environments, etc.honestly I don't put personal data on anything without double authentication these days
Who thisIdc how many dicks this bitch fuck I would still wife herView attachment 318300WkZka2Jsa3lXVFpNZVRrMlkyNVNkVXh0Um5STU0wNXBaVmhHZVZwVE9WbFZNRGx4Wkd0U1VtSnBUblJQVlRWNVdrWnNXV0pZVm1oVFZ6bDVXbTVzYTA5VVdrVlhXRUpG
YeahU got Gigi maguire
I can’t trust you if you don’t know who that is homie smhWho this
I dead ass went to school wit her. She from Baltimore???