Dudes can really turn into Winston Churchill philosophizing negroes, can't they? LOL. Yes, this thread was started to share it all openly, but that was back when traffic was 1/1,000th of what it is now. But with DMCA narcs, invading hoes, snitches, ad linkers who report links and then put content behind paywalls, incessant beggars and leeches, and spammers promoting whatever, the mode of operation in here is fucked and needs to change. The user experience is horrible and it's worse for the active posters keeping the lights on. The most active posters have long been complaining about quickly clapped links and having to make dozens of burners weekly to keep up with the hoes and thieves, and the only response from the masses has been "shut up and post more hoes nigga....re-up niggas....make 20 more burners and feed us more, you pussy ass bitch ass niggas."
So 1.0 is made with the explanation that we want to obfuscate links to stretch them AND encourage more people to contribute and share the load. That should be supported by all. But what happens? Instantly, assholes start whining, complaining, and sharing the methods. Then it becomes an arms race with 2.0 and 3.0, which admittedly was fun, but if we are all in the business of preserving links, it should not have happened. It could have easily been made unbreakable, but the goal is open sharing. But the masses should follow the lead of the most active posters, not the other way around. If they say it needs to switch up, then it's switching up.