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NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

All right I quit. Yall win. This encoding shit was definitely a smart play and yall should be proud you got one up on the powers that be. Us too stupid to figure it out need to step up our game. Period.
That being said I know no one wants to post anything alluding to the method on this site so hopefully I can find of you outside of here.

My PSN handle is Marlooon. I just pray someone is kind enough to have mercy on my soul.
well my fine blind brother. it says preeti priya

Ionno who that is, though. Maybe I'll end up liking her when I see her but apparently I gotta go through the whole decryption process just to find out. Or I dunno, maybe I could go look for her IG or something... but even before coding became a thing, proper posting protocol was to post a pic (preferably one with the OF watermark so we can see the name) and then post the Mega link.

I mean, there's a system for doing this shit right, son.