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NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Here come this nigga crying that Sweet Lea Lea videos were compressed and therefore he can't get full pleasure on his 4K OLED because the stuff is 720p
It has nothing to do with not paying sex workers. It has nothing to do with misogyny.

Some men would rather pay homie on the corner selling 3 DVD's for $10 than spend triple that at the theater. Not Misogyny.

Some men would rather pay homie selling Jordan's out of his trunk than spend twice that at Foot Locker. Not Misogyny.

Some men would rather pay homegirl for her food stamps at a discount than pay cash out of pocket. Not Misogyny.

Boosting, hookups, pirating, etc has been around since the beginning of time. Some Caveman niggas back in the day was standing at the edge of the jungle selling two rocks for the price of one. It's part of the game. And the game is the game. Problem is these women seem to think that the rules of the game dont apply to them. They're special. How dare some men do to us what they've been doing all along? Now that's some arrogance for you. You are not the exception.

Now by all means do what you have to do to protect your content boo boo, any of us would. But this moral superior, righteous indignation is the sillest thing I've ever seen. Misogyny? Really? The ironic thing is I guarantee the overwhelming majority of these women throughout they're lives have been getting some type of "hookup" whether it be food, movies, cable, clothes, etc, but now since they're Sony or Timewarner or Nike they wanna cry bloody murder? Spare me.

The game is the game Queen, and it will always be.

Misogyny? Nah, let's talk about royalty fees and licensing.
Since they are all copyright infringement this and that, let's talk about how much is paid to Drake, BANKS, Chris Brown, and all the other songs that are heard in the background of these "copyrighted" 10-15sec videos....

Looking for attention? You'll find it. Consider all of this as shrinkage and move on. Kanye got a lifetime access account to PH; didn't pay a dime. What happened after that? PH received additional traffic. With that traffic came new paying members... It's called marketing and time mgmt.
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This is the South African queen we all need to get.

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can someone tell me why niggas are simping over Rahki Giovanni?

niggas went from simping to hoes to simping to men sharing content. Like I said before might as well call @Fightbackmode2005 papi :lol9:
