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Added to Calendar: 07-05-24

Oh yeah I finally saw X

It was a cool watch

Pearl I didn’t make it through

I’ll watch this when it comes on Amazon in 3 weeks but I’ll atleast watch it and that’s progress
This is probably the weakest out of the trilogy if I'm being honest. I wouldn't say its a bad film cause I enjoyed the 80s soaked theme, the cast and the gore in this but yea. If you don't watch X, you'll be a bit lost with the reveal of who's committing the murders

He was the televangelist heard throughout X. Its revealed at the end of that film that's her father. He wouldn't have shown up in Pearl considering that movie takes place wayyyy before Maxine was born
So her dad knew about the murders and was killing the women around her to get her attention? That whole part kinda had me lost
Yeah from what I took as he was on some I can cleanse these hookers souls by killing them plus he was doing it at the same time the night stalker was on the loose so he knew nobody would suspect another killer out there
Though its the weakest out of the trilogy, its about to do the best opening weekend numbers from it. Appreciate A24 not doing the slow rollout for this one
Trilogy reaches Maximum

PRAISE: Taking place in 1985 another period of time in which people suddenly woke up and got upset about the Adult Film Industry and salty lyrics in music adult film star and aspiring actress Maxine Minx finally gets her big break but is threatened by her past and a killer.
Director and writer Ti West perfectly captures the mood of the aforementioned time period with the look and inclusion of music. I love Mia Goth and she does a good job here as a woman who is determined to make the leap from adult films to mainstream movies.Giancar Esposito has a good turn as her agent. Kevin Bacon was good as a swarmy detective. I almost didnt recognize Michelle Monaghan but i thought she had a moment that was pretty funny.There are definitely some good kills and a couple of them do stand out because of how dwelling they are and are given that extra flare of gore.
The climax of the film was pretty good around the edges. I liked a couple of haunting moments that had nice touches in what was provided visually. Nice nods to classic horror movies.

PROBLEMS: I didn't find this movie to be as involving as X or Pearl. It felt lackluster at its core. I couldn't get on board with how a few things played out. The ending was definitely predictable.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 7