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PRAISE: Even with all of the spoilers and rumors that have been floating around for months SMNWH still managed to AMAZE me.
I've got to give up to the cast including: Tom Holland · Zendaya · Benedict Cumberbatch · Jacob Batalon · Jon Favreau · Jamie Foxx · Willem Dafoe · Alfred Molina. Marisa Tomei , Thomas Haden Church , & J.K Simmons

Tom Holland has truly made the role of SPIDER-MAN and Peter Parker his own.
He gives an emotional, intense and heartfelt performance.
The interactions between the characters is absolutely terrific. Great nods to the multiverse of old and what's to come.
Part of what I said about Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse can be said about this movie If you were a huge fan of the previous SPIDER-MAN films ...even a minor fan this is a must see. Sure there's a lot of fan service but what director Jon Watts and writers Erik Sommers, & Chris McKenna put up on the big screen is so thrilling I didn't mind it at all.
The film hit my emotional chords several times. The action sequences are sharp and thrilling.
The parallels of the multiverse and destiny and how things in the multiverse MUST play out was wonderfully stated in some great character moments. Even some emotional redemption was tied in.
In the films last 30 minutes it felt like I was getting closure to certain things.
It's just so well done and the film didn't even feel like 2 hours and 28 minutes because I would say for 90 percent of the movie it made the best of its run time.
This was like one of the best comic books that i ever had the pleasure of reading come to life !!
In fact I felt like Oliver Twist saying please can I have a little more....pretty please?
I can't wait to see what they come up with for the next one.

PROBLEMS: Some minor, obnoxious and lame moments that I could have done without.There is some short changing and odd U turning of characters that felt off

Scale of 1 to 10 a 9


I mentioned in my full review that I felt like I got closure and this revolves around Andrew Garfield. I felt like we got his 3rd movie and a Sinister Six movie.....well i would say 85% of one. Plus his interaction with Electro felt like things were wrapped up.
Also when I said I felt like Oliver Twist please sir can I have some more....the Multiverse opening up and seeing the silhouettes of Kraven the Hunter, Scorpion, the classic Rhino, and Black Cat.....even though I thought I saw Namor....well I wanted more !!
But now we have the bare bones Spider-Man
You post on bgol dont you? I read this same review in that forum.