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Winter Soldier is still one of the greatest superhero flicks ever made. That's a lot to live up to. Might be hope yet for this joint.
I wouldnt go that far just yet. I do have high hopes for this movie and it definitely should be a bit more grounded than avengers films or other heros cuz sam has no super soldier serum and while he's improved as a fighter, he's never been so front and center to a lot of the fights he's been in.

Never heard of the director, but I know the Russo bros would knock it out the park with winter soldier. I had faith because I was already familiar with them from their episodes directing community and arrested development. Neither of which are action shows, but they did have some community episodes that showed off that they could do in that genre a little bit. Still surpassed all my expectations with winter soldier.

That was their first major film though, so with this new director I'm hoping they can pull off that same success with the resources marvel gives them. Just gonna be a big risk and with all these reshoots it's a reason to be a little concerned. With that being said, I know Marvel studios has been shaken up with everything going on behind the scenes at the studio. Losing Johnathan majors, firing creative staff, possibly shifting focus off kang.. just a lot of stuff good and bad that can have an effect on this film in particular because it was well underway when all of this was happening.

This is Kevin Feige's baby though (the mcu) and you already know he's looking at the reactions of fans and will respond accordingly. I think the bigs at Disney saw dollar signs and wanted Disney+ content so they did what they could but everyone was overworked and the same level of attention couldn't be given to the projects that we got with phase 2 and 3.

Tl;dr: I think the only comparison this will have to winter soldier is the character being grounded and not going up against a threat that's way too much for him to handle. As far as action and effect my guess is it won't hold up to winter soldier. I'd love to be proved wrong though.
I think at this point they've washed their hands of Kang with the convo between Mobius and B15 in the "After" part of the Loki finale. Wrote his ass off and Ant Man and 'nem were the ones that did it.

I think the one thing that irks me is changing the name from New World Order to Brave New World. That doesn't sit well with me at all. If Feige is working some behind the scenes magic to get Julius Onah to give us something better than TWS then I'm all for it, and will support this joint wholeheartedly, but I ain't holding my breath.
I'm glad to see Russos attached to the project, but as "producers" is such a broad term. Also with the film so far into production and with rewrites and reshoots it makes me wonder how involved they really are. Maybe their addition is what brought in the rewrites/reshoots though, who knows.