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I would have been ok with that TBH. We wouldn't have lost much if they had done that. They would have had to drastically change the Hawkeye and SheHulk series as well as Love and Thunder, and that would have been fine.
Yeah I assumed those alive would be killed. I like the ending, but can't stand what the Russo brothers did to Hulk.
Marvel is releasing variant covers for films from the Infinity Saga

Here's the one from Endgame

I randomly watched End Game last night and I still get kinda teary eyed when Black Panther ,shuri,and Okoye step out those wong/Dr Strange rings and when Cap catches and used Thor's hammer and when Thanos knows it's over and just sits there waiting to be dusted and Tony dies.

That whole final battle is so crazy.

Such a great send off with the time travel taking us to key moments in the MCU.
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Probably for the infinity war thread but red skull ended up where the soul stone was cause of the tesseract from cap 1?
Once they got the soul stone was he free to leave that place?
But they got it twice

Albeit one was in the past but how did they put that stone back but Natasha and the original gamora couldn't return?

Guess I need to go to YouTube
But they got it twice

Albeit one was in the past but how did they put that stone back but Natasha and the original gamora couldn't return?

Guess I need to go to YouTube
The whole time travel multi verse gives me a headache. In the end Thanos still destroyed the stones in the main timeline so that should have freed Red Skull