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Louis C.K Accused of Sexual Harassment by 5 Women

Maybe if these hoes would acknowledge when one of them does the same shit and admonish them with the same ferocity we might take them seriously. Asia Argento is the big name but there have been others like Cristina Garcia, who's sexual misconduct in office is well documented and she's one of the vocal supporters of MeToo in congress. Andrea Ramsey dropped out of the race for congress when a guy came forward and said she sexually harassed him then retaliated against him when he rejected those advances. Melanie Martinez was accused of actually, factually raping another woman, surely this would warrant media attention?

And we don't know what the fallout behind Asia will be. Maybe more men will come forward and maybe more of the very same women championing MeToo will fall in the same way as Asia. Maybe more female CEO's and political figures will suddenly be outed as sexual predators.

One can only hope so. We need that level of balance right now.
This is literally a nonstory. Stand up comedians do this all the time especially when working on new material. And the orignial story, the only creepy one was his masturbating while on the phone, thats what he should of def apologized for. All the rest he legit asked them if he could do it before and they either said yes thinking he wasnt serious or no and he was like "oh ok" (like an oddball) and didnt do it.

This is funny af. You need to ask for the audiences consent at a comedy club before a guest comedian tries to do a guest set. Go to her twitter an in her description she has the pronouns she goes by, exactly the type of person i'd expect this from.
Never heard of him even after googling his name.

Im glad these people are being exposed. Now can we say the white man's nature is to become a cesspool of disgusting, child molesting, predators from these few like they label all black men as dangerous, uneducated, devious thugs? It's only fair, right?

And I saw some news about Charlie Sheen allegedly sexually assaulting Corey Haim at the age of 13. Freaking repugnance and disturbing behavior from this community man. I didn't wanna make a thread, although.

The white man nature has be documented for hundreds of years and its been known about them

Comedy Club Owner Defends Hosting Louis C.K.: Mike Tyson and Bill Clinton Still Have a Platform

Louis C.K. performed at the Comedy Cellar in New York last night, marking his first public set since admitting to sexual misconduct, which led to the club’s owner defending the disgraced comedian by pointing to the fact that Mike Tyson and Bill Clinton are still seen as publicly acceptable to many.

The Comedy Cellar’s owner Noam Dworman made the remarks in a lengthyinterview with The Hollywood Reporter, who caught up with him after a full day of social media outrage toward C.K. for trying to make a career comeback.

“I don’t feel that there’s a clear standard out there in the world of why someone doesn’t have a live viewing,” Dworman said. “I don’t think anyone’s come after the theaters and stages that allow Mike Tyson to tour the country with his show, and Bill Clinton still goes to parties. I would just like to be a platform.”

Tyson, a boxing legend, is a convicted rapist and accused domestic abuser, while Clinton has been accused of various forms of sexual misconduct by numerous women.

Dworman continued on this train of thought:

“I’ve said many times that if I found that someone applying for a job had a sordid past but he doesn’t do that anymore — he cleaned himself up 10 or 15 years ago, he was involved in assaults — people would congratulate me for being so progressive. ‘Oh, you hired this kid who had a bad past.’ Or if I found out I had a bartender today who had a past like Louis’, would anyone expect me to fire him? I don’t know what the standard is, and that makes me uncomfortable.”

Later in the interview, Dworman mentioned Tyson and Clinton again, saying, “If I could come up with answers to the questions I said before about Mike Tyson and Bill Clinton, if I could have a unified theory of how I’m supposed to fire people who I don’t like, then I would absolutely stand up to all this.”

As for the allegations, C.K. admitted to masturbating in front of women and carrying out other acts of sexual misconduct late last year after the New York Times released an expose that cited numerous disturbing experiences women had with the comedian.
I don't see what the big deal is. He didn't harass or rape those bitches. The idiots sat there and watched the whole thing. Dave chapelle talked about this in his bird logic show. Those dumb asses should've just walked out its that simple. A celebrity should go down for being a pedophile most definitely but jacking off is not worth Louie having his career destroyed. What he did was offensive but the reaching and overreacting is uncalled for especially with this having happened decades ago. BTW fuck those me too bitches in stringer heels tweet post. They could get a disco biscuit dropped in their mocha Latte's for all I care.
Twitter just giving out them blue checks I see. I dunno any of those women

I've read posts about the blue checks essentially being for sale.

As for the unsatisfied mob, they know they're wrong. That view of corrections, where retributive, unforgiving punishment is considered the focus of justice, is super outdated, and it's basically the same vein of thinking that upholds the patriarchy they cry about tirelessly. To hold that view and then try and fix your face to claim you're a progressive is hypocritical and hilarious to me.

These women won't have their trauma erased just because his career is ruined. As more women like Professor Ronell and Asia Argento find themselves under fire, which does appear to be happening since we are taking male sexual assault victims more seriously, we will see those very same women cop pleas for their heroes, when not long before they were asking for Louie's head on a plate.


Sarah Silverman Says Louis C.K. Masturbated in Front of Her With Her Consent

Sarah Silverman said comedian Louis C.K. used to masturbate in front of her with her permission, during an interview on Howard Stern’s SiriusXM radio show on Monday.

“I don’t know if I’m going to regret saying this,” Silverman said. “I’ve known Louis forever, I’m not making excuses for him, so please don’t take this that way. We are peers. We are equals. When we were kids, and he asked if he could masturbate in front of me, sometimes I’d go, ‘F— yeah I want to see that!’ … It’s not analogous to the other women that are talking about what he did to them. He could offer me nothing. We were only just friends. So sometimes, yeah, I wanted to see it, it was amazing. Sometimes I would say, ‘F—ing no, gross,’ and we got pizza.”

Silverman used the story as part of her explanation for why she believed C.K. didn’t understand the implications of his actions, pointing to his sudden fame and his inability to grapple with the newfound power that came with it.

“I’m not saying what he did was okay. I’m just saying at a certain point, when he became influential, not even famous, but influential in the world of comedy, it changes,” she said, echoing past statements in which she addressed the scandal. “He felt like he was the same person, but the dynamic was different and it was not okay.”

Last year, Silverman’s sister Laura Silverman also tweeted that C.K. masturbated in front of her approximately 20 times during a cross country trip before he was famous. However, she also clarified that she did not view the act as criminal: “After that, it’s was Louis C.K., on a cross country trip before he was famous. About 20 times. Not criminal. But compulsive, rude & gross,” she wrote.

Sarah Silverman has addressed the sexual misconduct allegations waged against C.K. in the past, saying she was conflicted about the situation.

“He wielded his power with women in f—ed up ways, sometimes to the point where they left comedy entirely,” she said. “I could couch this with heartwarming stories of our friendship and what a great dad he is, but that’s totally irrelevant, isn’t it? Yes, it is. It’s a real mindf—, because I love Louis. But Louis did these things. Both of those statements are true. So I just keep asking myself, ‘Can you love someone who did bad things? Can you still love them?'”


Louis CK’s Latest NYC Stand-Up Show Sparks Angry Protests

Louis C.K.’s latest performance at the Comedy Cellar in New York City was certainly no secret, as a crowd of protestors gathered outside the Greenwich Village club on Monday night.

Many held signs supporting the #MeToo movement and the five women who have accused the disgraced comedian of sexual misconduct.

“Does this sign make you uncomfortable, Louie?” read one sign, while another said: “When you support Louis C.K., you tell women your laughter is more important than their sexual assaults and loss of their careers.”

After performing a number of surprise shows — that even the Comedy Cellar management wasn’t expecting — in recent months, C.K. was on the bill Monday night, marking the first time he had an advertised gig on stage since his public downfall last November.

“Frankly, I was furious,” one protestor told the New York Times from outside the club. “Every female comedian he has harmed deserves a place on the Comedy Cellar stage one hundred times before he should be allowed back on the stage.”

New York Times culture writer Sopan Deb, who attended the stand-up show, tweeted afterward, “Louis started his set with ‘How was your year?'”

C.K. also told the audience he was there because he needed the money after losing $35 million in one day. “They tell you that when you get in trouble you find out who your real friends are. It’s black people, it turns out. They’ll stick by you,” he added, according to the Times.

Last November, C.K. was accused of sexual misconduct by five women. Among the accusers in the New York Times article were comedy duo Dana Min Goodman and Julia Wolov, who according to the Times were invited by the comedian to his hotel room after their show at the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Colorado, in 2002. According to the report, when they arrived at his room, C.K. asked Goodman and Wolov if he could take out his penis.

C.K. released a statement shortly after the story was published saying, “these stories are true. At the time, I said to myself that what I did was OK because I never showed a woman my d— without asking first, which is also true.”

Shortly after the accusations came to light, The Orchard canceled the release of “I Love You, Daddy,” the film that C.K. directed, wrote and starred in. HBO and Netflix also cut ties with him.

A representative for the Comedy Cellar did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment on the protests or the show.
