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COMMUNITY Living My Best Life!!!

2018 is a bad year for me. I think part of it is because 2017 was a really good year. Also, I partied all my bitcoin profit away on booze and blow, and being broker than last year is wack.
so far, yes

my family is dope and they love me

my kids are straight if I die, good if mama dies, rich if we both die

bigger and better shit coming for all of us in the near future....not a plan or dream but shit I can actually see happening

oh and they make sliced ketchup now
Enjoy life to the fullest and fuck whats not socially accepted. If something makes you happy then go do it. Live ya life to the fullest that you can cause you only get one.

Enjoy life to the fullest and fuck whats not socially accepted. If something makes you happy then go do it. Live ya life to the fullest that you can cause you only get one.


No hate but I love these kinda posts on fb lol

This is all the motivation somebody needed to do some blow tonight
No hate but I love these kinda posts on fb lol

This is all the motivation somebody needed to do some blow tonight

I never would think that so much of our e-fam was unhappy with their life. I believe that the one thing that truly belongs to you is your life. It should be enjoyed to the fullest with the leasrt amount of negativity as possible.

I have gotten rid of women in the past just for the negative energy that they consistently bring.
Gotta lot of shit I ain't happy with, but I wake up every day making the best of it, so I'm living the best i the moment