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Added to Calendar: 10-27-24

The team just couldn't get shit right this season. How did they manage to botch every damn mission? Shit... they didn't even have the lioness do any lionessing. They could have just used a regular degular special ops team if they were gonna just brute force it.
I finished the second season, I had to give the side eye of about 8 people surviving a whole militia and one of the 8 being incapacitated.
Just finished Season 1. How the Lioness got away with not getting shot once is incredible lol. You mean to tell me this big-shot terrorist got the WOAT shooters on payroll?
Season 2 was an improvement over Season 1. The cartel shit is much more interesting than the typical terrorist shit but then they added the China/Iran angle to it as well. I can see Joe eventually quitting because the toll its taking on her and her personal life.