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Lifetime’s “Surviving R. Kelly” Docuseries(aka The #MeToo Summer Jam Screen series) Trailer

Explain what law she broke?

So just because she didn't break a law, she's an angle and she shouldn't be held accountable for her 50% part (actions)??

Got it.

She date/fucks a 27 year old dude, he goes to prison (good), but (you) as a society sees nothing wrong with this chick's actions? nothing is addressed to her, then the following year, since the dude she was dating is in prison, she finds another dude, another 25 year old, now a year later or months later, at 16, she dates this dude, Now what happens to this chick?

Everything is all good with the girl? She can go on in life and fuck with these older dudes and not be held accountable for being involved is what you and this fake feminist ass society is saying?

This why you cant trust niggas with money. Taking pics with the worst crackers.
are you serious?

actually yes.....i am.
funny how you would not think i would be into something like this.

i actually do alot.

i do beleive it was me who started a thread speaking on how women are sold in nigeria to be sex slaves in europe.
that along with the shit i do in the DR.....

nah....you might want to call out some one else on this.

Welp you got me then.
Liking and acting are different things. If this 28 year old condones her actions towards him he needs to die. Why because he 28 damn years old and should know better. A 14 year old aint smart enough to know that shit. What im do kill her too beat her ass too?

Yall niggas keep thinking kids know right from wrong so easily

Breh you using the word "kids" is painting these teenagers as some innocent incompetent lambs. These "kids" teenagers are doing just about any and everything adults do when it comes to relations in 2019.

These "Kids" know what the hell right and wrong is, softening the blow or situation by painting them as these innocents lambs "kids" aint helping out your narrative, reality don't work like that big dog. I don't hide behind phrase, reality disputes these fantasy ass world you and others want to play out in your head.

Of course the 28 year old should know not to mess with a minor, Now Let's flip that playboy, the 14 year old should know too not to get involve with an older man, the shit goes both ways. If she knows not to put her hand on a burning stove, her ass should know fucking with a 28 year old man wouldn't be accepted by her family.

Trust and believe these teenagers, girls and boys know that the shit is wrong, but guess what, they don't give a shit. So the coddling that you and others are doing needs to be dismiss, everybody involve in a situation like R.Kelly and Aaliyah should get the same treatment.

Fucking kids aint retarded or that obtuse breh
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No what I am saying is if a chick that's 14 dating a grown ass man, calling that man and running up behind that man, getting upset that the man not returning her phone calls, not liking her IG pics, not Face-Timing her, lying to her parents, sneaking off, accepting gifts from that man and not telling her parents about her relationship wit that man, she needs to get the same treatment that the older man will face, along with any and everybody who supports this act.

So she needs to be a registered sex offender and thrown in jail at 14. The onus is on the adult. The retardation of your pov is wild
Breh you using the word "kids" is painting these teenagers as some innocent incompetent lambs. These "kids" teenagers are doing just about any and everything adults do when it comes to relations in 2019.

These "Kids" know what the hell right and wrong is, softening the blow or situation by painting them as these innocents lambs "kids" aint helping out your narrative, reality don't work like that big dog. I don't hid behind phrase, reality disputes these fantasy ass world you and others want to play out your head.

Of course the 28 year old should know not to mess with a minor, Now Let's flip that playboy, the 14 year old should know too not to get involve with a older man, the shit goes both ways. If she knows not to put her hand on a burning stove, her ass should know fucking with a 28 year old man wouldn't be accepted by her family.

Trust and believe these teenagers, girls and boys know that the shit is wrong, but guess what, they don't give a shit. So the coddling that you and others are doing needs to be dismiss, everybody involve in a situation like R.Kelly and Aaliyah should get the same treatment.

Fucking kids aint retarded or that obtuse breh

A kid cannot make adult decisions because they are kids and dumb. You saying you the same nigga today that you was at 14?
So she needs to be a registered sex offender and thrown in jail at 14. The onus is on the adult. The retardation of your pov is wild

In the post you quoted, In your fantasy world you live in, what should be done to that girl, 14, 15, 16, 17, years old, what should be done to her?
A kid cannot make adult decisions because they are kids and dumb. You saying you the same nigga today that you was at 14?
but kids try to make those decisions and thats why i said i would spank my kid.
out here acting grown
A kid cannot make adult decisions because they are kids and dumb. You saying you the same nigga today that you was at 14?

You're saying that a 17 year old girl is too dumb to not date an older man but is smart enough to enroll in college, I know some that enroll at 16?

You're saying that a 16 year old dude is too dumb to not date an older woman, I know some that know how to break down a ki, some grown men can't do that?

Breh, these kids are driving cars at this age, most niggas at 16, 17 are the man of the house, but they are too dumb to understand that dating an older person is something that won't be accepted by their parents Lol

LaLa Land got flying cars there too huh