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Latino workers to DeSantis: "send 300 cacs to work here instead"

Ahhhh. See the old "racism" and "get a new skill set" ploy tactics in this thread that got the capes on for the illegals that don't even like yo' black azz.

What you black democrats don't want the masses in this thread to understand is this "caravan" nonsense was brought on us by Barry's administration with Hillary's coup shenanigan's in Honduras. That's what popped it off. If Barry and Hillary would've kept they nose out of Honduras, we wouldn't even be going through most of this nonsense regarding this mass influx of illegal aliens.

F* yo democrat party, f* Barry, (his "whyfe*), and f* Joey, and since you people love these illegals so much, put your money where your mouth is and subsidize them. If you haven't done that yet, don't reply.
No, it does not always come down to pay. One of the indicators of this is the shrimping industry
check it out

A nice quote from the video.
"The captain ultimately decides how much each header makes. Work fast and long and he might hand you more than $30 for each basket the crew fills. Piss him off and he might hand you a 1/3 of that". That pay looking questionable to me.

Like I said some of these jobs, the owners dont wanna admit it, but you have to be a specialist in that field. They're bringing in people that have never done it before and expect them to go at the pace of veterans with years of experience. And I'm sure when they mess up or arnt instantly keeping pace, they're talking crazy like they're used to doing to these illegals or migrant workers. People get fed up and quit cuz they arnt getting paid enough for that bs.

Like we all found out irl, most times you get what you pay for. Low pay and high labor isnt gunna get you the top notch workers anywhere in a developed country unless you're taking advantage of someone.
Lol over here they kept say English people would do any job if they are paid well. That was a lie and now businesses are asking for immigration.

all the white people crying about illegals "took our jobsss" im sure they gonna get right to work....right?
I been meaning to come back in this thread but i forgot.

But all those videos saying all those big construction sites are empty and stopped, well they're fake. Idk when they're recording them, but they're misleading. All those sites are very much still active and full of people. Desanti bill doesnt go into effect until July. And people in the construction business down here said those big companies already use E-verify and have been for years.

They were also saying this wont really affect the big companies, but its most likely gunna hit the small ones pretty hard.

Another part in the bill makes it possible for cops to possibly arrest someone driving undocumented people. So they could just be riding in your car somewhere, they pull you over, want to check everyone's docs and if they're undocumented the driver could be charged with trafficking.

The law says drivers could be punished for transporting undocumented immigrants, but an immigration attorney says there are some grey areas.

"The latest and final bill that was signed into law was actually talking about transporting people over state lines in Florida. So I'm not sure if this is something that's going to be applying to individuals just for driving their spouse to work," immigation attorney Nayef Mubarak said.

He added it specifically applies to people who have crossed the border or entered the United States illegally and not to someone who overstayed their visa.

How's an officer even supposed to pull somebody over to assume they might be transporting someone unlawfully? Is this going to affect more racial profiling or frivolous stops?" Mubarak said. "We wonder how much of this is to be enforced or in theory and how much of this is political posture."

In a tweet, the governor said in part: "Human smuggling will not be tolerated in Florida. Knowingly transporting an illegal immigrant into Florida will result in 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine per offense. Transporting five or more or a convicted smuggler will result in a $10,000 fine and up to a 15-year prison sentence."
This is the crux of the issue here. What people never seem to address is that these immigrants are taking jobs most people dont want and aren't trained for. Those and trained/skilled workers. It's not hard to learn how to hang drywall, plaster walls, frame a building, but too many people in this country feel that work is beneath them. This is going to hurt the economy in floriduh more than anything else. However, this is now a perfect opportunity for anyone bitching about illegals to get their ass up and find a job. Lets see what happens.

Oh, its not only happening in construction, its also happening in farming. Let's see how fast prices go up.

Bolded....all dem white ppl kno that. But they dont care
You could have said all that without a racial slur fam

Oh oh oh oh okay. Yes sir! So as long as you call them a "wetback bean picker" that's totally fine tho. Laughed yo azz off about that one didn't you?


Oh oh oh, okay. Okay. But its perfectly normal to call people "great white hopes that don't know how to act" and "cacs"



Oh okay sir. No racial slurs about "wetback illegal aliens", but homophobic slurs is absolutely not a problem. Psssft! Got it!


I'm positive the people who made the whole, "American's think they're too good for this job" was made by the business owners who love having that near slave labor. And like usual people ran with it. You cant say that the follow it by listing construction jobs lol. This is America, not Qatar.

And if i'm wrong, explain to me the TV show 'Dirty Job's ', where you have Americans wading in shit for a living, or scrubbing the inside of filthy pipes, crawling in sewers with a million roaches. All those people are American and a lot of times white. How do they think they're too good to be builders, farmers or work on a fishing boat, but will pump/fix septic tanks, or risk their life on an oil rig.

All comes down to pay
For the ones who were misguided into this nonsence because your party wanted you to support these racists while they get the votes from them. Learn our history please........

The Forgotten Letter of Coretta Scott King​


It should be no surprise, therefore, that these demands for economic justice were taken up by the wife of Martin Luther King, who in 1991 joined with eight CEO’s of America’s leading African American organizations to oppose Republican Senator Orin Hatch’s bill to do away with sanctions against employers who persisted in hiring illegal aliens as a means of discriminating and reducing the wages of against African Americans.

“We are concerned, Senator Hatch” Coretta Scott King wrote in her now largely forgotten letter, “That your proposed remedy…will cause another problem—the revival of …discrimination against black and brown U.S. documented workers, in favor of cheap labor"

A lot of you posters either got a lot to learn or paid to post accounts. You should know this by now especially since Rep. Hatch was a Republican.
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Good riddance to them wetback illegal aliens. I could care less if Trump and Desantis sent them back to where they came from. Before you come in here crying and naggin' this post, just know in Chi residents finding out the hard way about these illegals and crying to city officials about them right now. Been going on for years.

Hire legal citizens for a decent pay.
Decent pay?!?! Ahahahahahahahahaha