On average a woman is only 5 inches deep. If she needs bigger than 8 the vagina is trash
That's why I said 8
Yea I’m just tryna find out where these 5 chicks at lmao Asia?
I see why white boys ho for Asians if that’s true
there could be a bit of truth to that. i knew this guy who once brought up a joke about PE gym (some shit where lil dick dudes pull on their wieners to make it grow, talking about sets and reps and shit like they're lifting weights) and the girl we were with kinda called him out on it asking "wait, how do you know about this stuff". and you could tell he was kinda fumbling with it.
last i saw him, he had an asian girl. could be nothing, but what u wrote has come across my mind before.
in all fairness tho, based on averages by race, it's more so the average asian dude who is lacking in that department.
The g spot is like 1-2 inches back. Top wall if she’s laying on her back.what's this about 5 inches deep? pretty sure this dude's talking about the sensitive spots that cause arousal that are 3-5 inches inside the punani.
The g spot is like 1-2 inches back. Top wall if she’s laying on her back.
???????????Lol women got the art of copping a feel to a science
Long time ago, long long time ago, i had a co worker tell me I had a nice stomach while we were conversing and I said something to the fact of how you know? and she laughed and touched my stomach
Made me realize everytime I made her laugh she would touch my stomach if we was close. Blew a young me mind. Here I thought I was killing her eith jks when really she used her laughter into sexually assaulting me
A vagina isn't trash because it's adjusted to the size of her current partner, what in the incel are you talking about?On average a woman is only 5 inches deep. If she needs bigger than 8 the vagina is trash
You know once I saw the birth of my first child I was like size really don't matter. Babies coming out 8 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long. You better work on your technique and your stroke and learn to stimulate her mindA vagina isn't trash because it's adjusted to the size of her current partner, what in the incel are you talking about?
'The vagina is a very “elastic” organ, says Christine O’Connor, MD, director of adolescent gynecology and well women care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. It is small enough to hold a tampon in place, but can expand enough to pass a child through. This is because the walls of the vagina are similar to those of the stomach, they have rugae, meaning they fold together to collapse when unused, then expand when necessary.
“It doesn’t stay one particular size,” O’Connor says. “It changes to accommodate whatever is going on at that time.”
Semantics. We're talking about preferences since I dispelled the need theory already.It's why I said need. Needs vs wants is different