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Kyrie goes full on Kanye w/ conspiracy theory on social media. Update: The Nets have suspended Kyrie for at least 5 games w/o pay

I was telling a friend of mine this same exact sentiment. Growing up I would see them all the time in Harlem, dressed low key like power rangers just screamin sermons at folk.
And it was taken as kinda jokes but the older I got I realized nobody ever actually tried to educate me on what exactly they were preaching or who they were.

They were just automatically labeled “extremists” and it was conditioned in me to pay them no mind. That Malcolm X example you used is a perfect comparison. Thankfully I had a grand dad who met Malcolm a few times and even at a young age would try to teach me about him. This is why it’s important to do your own research and educate yourself which in today’s society is scoffed at for reasons that make 0 sense

The funny thing is that whenever there's anything that white people deem controversial in the Black community a lot of Black people just automatically assume that the opinions of white people are right and that's what we as Black people should conform to. Then the rebutle in the Black community is always do your own research but we never do our own research before we start letting white people tell us what is good and bad for our commuity.
So as a Black person I'm supposed to believe all of the things that white people tell me about Hebrew Isralites while the same white talking points get regergitated by Black people in our communities?

Y'all don't see the problem there? Why do we let white people tell us what's good and bad for us in our communities? meanwhile they are carrying out ass shootings and spreading white supremacy on broadcast TV daily and we're supposed to believe that white people care so much about fixing those issues yet they support and give life to those things.

These same white people want to turn around and tell us Black people what we should and should not stand for.
What's the point in saying do your own research when the results are that the shit you are researching is white washed? Then what?

That’s not 100% accurate tho because chances are the work has already been done for you by scholars who seek info outside of certain western curriculums. You also have to keep in mind that (well at least in the US) they can’t flat out lie about most things. For example all that info about who really killed MLK was known facts for years. Most shit is buried in books that white ppl know most blacks aren’t even gonna consider picking up. Or things are worded in ways where certain words will throw you off. Knowledge is out there you just have to know which paths to navigate which is no different than anything else.
