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Krypton Show SyFy Network


I'm the 3rd little piggy, imma fuck wit dem bricks
Mod Squad
This is the trailer and my boy from emergency awesome doing an explainer...

People be knockin the Syfy channel but they drop gems every now and then. This might actually be a good watch.

They dont have the budget to give their shows a good enough shot. But yeah they have dropped some gems. The 4500, battlestar galactica, alphas, the dresden files to name a few.
ehh i dont know i recorded it thought.. watched some of the first episode before i ko'd that black warrior chick was ill as fuck.. but the cheesyness of the look kinda kills me a reason to watch for me is because of the background we will see how long i stay interested
It did enough after the slow start to give the next episode a try. I like what they're trying to do but we'll see if they do it right
wasn't expecting much.. was aite tho.. i'll give it two more eps before I decide if I'm going to continue watching