Don’t think him and his parents spoke for years. All the way back to around the time he got with Vanessa. Wouldn’t expect to hear from them
His parents kinda disowned him over Vanessa. They didn't like herWhat is the beef between kobe n his parents
His parents kinda disowned him over Vanessa. They didn't like her
Really? Wow, thats fucked up. The heart wants, what the heart wants.
They probably was on that Black Power
Thats exactly what it was, his parents and sisters didnt attend the wedding
I think the reconciled somewhat years later but then their relationship went to shit again when they tried to auction off his stuff and were complaining that the house he was buying for them "wasnt big enough"
And they probably saw her as a gold digger whether that's fair or notThats exactly what it was, his parents and sisters didnt attend the wedding
I think the reconciled somewhat years later but then their relationship went to shit again when they tried to auction off his stuff and were complaining that the house he was buying for them "wasnt big enough"
And they probably saw her as a gold digger whether that's fair or not
Ahh I knew it was a video shoot but I didn't know it was snoop's. That gives more clarity to why he felt so strongly about the disrespect. Hes responsible for the Bryant family in a way. I wish he would've said that to let the world know.They did..they were mad cause he met her on the set of Snoop video shoot and got married within months. Her mom was giving stipulations that they said were gold diggerish...
I get the premise of why they were upset initially, but doesn't seem like they had HIS best interest in heart...they were looking out for themselves
It's usually the moms.Kobe and his sisters were cool. Their kids were actively around each others enjoying being cousins.
I think kobe was working on the relationship with his dad. I was hoping he would have his dad as a presenter at his HOF induction.
The real issue is with his mom. She basically tried to extort him then stole and tried to auction his stuff.
Kobe had to sue her and then she tried to blackball him by going to the media