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Added to Calendar: 05-10-24

I saw an IGN timeline video for this franchise and this is all over the place

I didn't realize this spans literally thousands of years
Oh yea, Caesar's dead by now but his legacy lives on. He's a God in the ape community
Yeah I saw that

But I'm talking about the entire franchise that dates back to the original films and short lived TV show.

I think the time travel thing is the reason for this cause it essentially takes place in another dimension
It was cool

Not on par w Ceasars trilogy but thats hard to live up to

Hopefully the next installment isnt afraid to get weird
Nearly perfect Planet

PRAISE: Seven years after War of The Planet of the Apes I'm beyond satisfied that even though this assortment of Planet of the Apes films have been passed on to different writers and directors since 2011 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes boldly states these films continue to be exciting, charming and involving. The story in this POTA chapter a new tyrannical ape leader builds his empire, one young ape undertakes a harrowing journey that will cause him to question all that he has known about the past. I think this movie flawlessly connects the previous movies to this present movie. While simultaneously bringing closure to the previous movies and pulling me into what is to be a new set of movies. High praise to the entire cast including:Noa (Owen Teague), Soona (Lydia Peckham), Anaya (Travis Jeffery) Proximus Caesar (Kevin Durand),and Raka (Peter Macon)for their voice work, expressive motion capture displaying joy,anger and raw emotion. Freya Allan also does quite well as the human Mae. The film is in the capable and then some hands of Wes Ball. He directs some really great action sequences with suspense around the edges. Throughout the movie there are strong messages about twisting words for power and dominance and using the bad parts of history to also do the aforementioned. The motion capture work is still on point and looks incredibly flawless. Another strong thread in this story is the near selfishly caring about ones own survival this comes into play several times and I thought it was really effective. When it comes to the set design I was trying to tell what was practical and what was CGI,that's how great it looked,maybe I should watch a making of video of the movie but then again just enjoy the wonder of it all. There are great nods to the original Planet of the Apes movie.

PROBLEMS: I do feel like something that was touched on when it came to a certain faction was pushed to the side and was dissapointted when it wasn't explored more.
There are a few predictable moments.

Scale of 1 to 10 an 8½
Dope film. Does a lotta world building so I can see why the casual viewer wouldn't like this. The CGI is excellent, you actually feel like the apes are real and they show emotion, take notes Disney lol. I like how they show both sides when it comes to idolizing Caesar. The message is the same: Ape together strong but Proximus manipulates Caesar's legacy to his own twisted way.

By the end, Noa seems to fall somewhere in the middle. He's clearly distrustful of Mae (for good reason). I think seeing apes behind cages in a children's book also opened his eyes to how things were. Idk if the end regarding the telescope is alluding to space/time travel but I feel like an actual war is on the horizon
