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Kid Speaks About Being Bullied In School

As the parent of apparently the most savage child on the planet...

These parents are some real pieces of shit....

Kids struggle with all types of anxiety and emotional issues like every day in school....

Some don't know how to deal with their feelings, and may lash out aggressively through frustration..

Especially in this social climate and face to face with a symbol of hate.

That kid ain't being "bullied" ...or can't make friends cuz the kids are jerks....

They're fucking with him because the parents make him a target, then crying victim.

If your kid being bullIed or whatever...extend an arm to the parents of the other kids...plan some activities where two kids who may not get along at first, are out together doing some shit they would like to do anyway....

Yea I know some parents are pieces of shit and you can't work with them....

But you try first.

You always try. This your kid
If your kid is struggling to make friends. The parent helps him. But they ain't doing that.

They alienating him by teaching him racist shit.

They the reason he getting "bullied"
If your kid is struggling to make friends. The parent helps him. But they ain't doing that.

They alienating him by teaching him racist shit.

They the reason he getting "bullied"

He's being bullied by other whites who I assume also being showed that racist shit
I got a cousin named Keaton, it’s funny because his moms maiden name is Jones.

I don’t believe in bullying of any sort.
Who do we blame for this though, his parents for teaching him these racist ass ways but at the same time, he old enough to kinda know right from wrong.