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NSFW Kendall Jenner's Nudes

those are the worst struggle nudes i ever saw.....

she shoulda just stopped wit the first one and kept it moving...

that horse shit and that running shit are fucking tragic

dawg... You can CLEARLY see the broad has a chronic case of "gluteus strugglitis" but peep this shit:


Now it looks like she holding a lil sumthin' tho. But catch that shit in the wild and out of the water:


she barely a step above Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift's skinny flapjacks.

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she claiming that these were unauthorized "leaks", but given the history of this FAMILY we already know this shit was intentionally leaked by her strategically.
and truthfully, she shoulda worn socks to cover up them subhuman lookin steaks she got. Fingertoes and erruhthang on them joints.