What's real hip hopBig homie.
You was in another thread saying you love real hip hop. This ain’t that B.
What's real hip hopBig homie.
You was in another thread saying you love real hip hop. This ain’t that B.
What's real hip hop
I feel you. Im def for my people tho
I dont see Ye as “anti-black” I have my reasons.
And No...
I wont argue or debate you. Your mind is made up...you wouldnt discuss to understand...just to win and be right. So im good.
This is gonna grow on you. After about 10 listens im coming around to this being a decent album.
Ye needed 3 more tracks imo
That Valee dude ruined "All Mine"
Is this 7 song album shit gonna apply to the alleged Nas album too? I hope not.
Ima be mad if we waited damn near a decade for a 20 min album.
Kanye said he produced 7 tracks for Nas album... but I don’t remember anyone saying his album would only be 7 tracks.
This is not a rap album
It worked for Push, it'll work for NasIs this 7 song album shit gonna apply to the alleged Nas album too? I hope not.
Ima be mad if we waited damn near a decade for a 20 min album.
I havent read any of you guys hot takes yet.So you agreeing that this ain’t rap.
Good to know you see the light with this album