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Jonathan Majors' Ex GF Drops Assault & Defamation Lawsuit

Nah fam.

That’s little boy shit. Any nigga over the age of 25 still handling situations like that is unacceptable. I’m a grown ass man, df I look like tussling with my lady over my phone. At my age she can barely get me to raise my voice, let alone a hand.

But yea, hopefully the bruises aren’t on her neck or face.
I'm certainly speculating but I can see a scenario where she flips out over the phone and he defends himself

That's all I'm saying
The plan must of be to victim blame as he knows a lot of black people indulge in the philosophy that “she had it coming “ and “If only she hadn’t” and he wouldn’t had to beat her like many of you did with the Chris & RiRi situation
While Chris was wrong it has been said that Rihanna put hands on chris before that and during that and Rihanna pretty much said so herself and got back with Chris for some time.

Yes,he tried to hurt her,but she put hands on him first ,hitting and kicking ,then spitting blood on him after he busted her lip ,according to the story.
Well I never heard about it,so that's good for them.

In all fairness,only time travel can stop Josh Brolin.

If they wanted him cancelled they should have aimed for his head.

In the Brolin case,the woman,actress Diane Lane basically said she was hit ,but the couple's spokesman,whatever that means said it was on the "lowest end misdeamenor" side of DA and I can't find the result,so I'm guessing probation and rehab or something

I looked up Cage's case,and it got dropped for whatever reason.

Thanos got arrested too, just like Jonathan Majors

I would love for this to clear him
for this to all be fake but something about this is off,

Text seem very calculated and no offense if he’s the sociopath people claim him to be He’s would be a big time narcissist and people caught under anarcissist are puppets this why imo I don’t see nothing wrong with the going forth with an investigation

Super talented actors are almost always narcissist

I’ve been studying that word due to my own situations and his whole life story reeks of of fuck nigga potential
Folks are painting the picture of him just attacking her

When she could have sustained that with him restraining her.

Not saying that’s what happened buy that could have been the case
There's a lot of different scenarios that could have happened. Though if she had strangulation injuries then I'm not sure that story would hold. When do you restrain someone by their neck? Lol
I think the main thing throwing people off about them texts is the "I told them it was my fault for trying to grab your phone" and how that can escalate to injuries showing somebody may have been strangled. It's hard to paint a picture where somebody gets strangles somebody else as an act of self defense because that usually means you got the upper hand already.
I think the main thing throwing people off about them texts is the "I told them it was my fault for trying to grab your phone" and how that can escalate to injuries showing somebody may have been strangled. It's hard to paint a picture where somebody gets strangles somebody else as an act of self defense because that usually means you got the upper hand already.
It can be her fault that it came to him fending her off, getting scuffed up and calling the police over an incident she provoked

Again, if he beat her, he's a POS, but I can also see this slicing a few ways where he's not a POS