Jeezy's Baby Mama Goes After Him In Court For Not Buying Her A Car

poor kids was probably getting bullied with his dad's lyrics

"ford taurus pull up, everybody run
ford taurus pull out, there goes jeezy's son"

"my president is black, my bus pass is blue"
"For some strange reason my son addicted to pornos "
Not when u hit the jackpot n get pregnant by a rich dude. U gotta understand these broads mindsets. Soon as she got pregnant, she shredded that resume and called her girls like "shiiit, I'm good bitch"
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Not when u hit the jackpot n get pregnant by a rich dude. U gotta understand these broads mindsets. Soon as she got pregnant, she shredded that resume and called her girls like "shiiit, I'm good bitch"
sad but very true.
not like im rich or anything but
im so happy my wife still has a work ethic.