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Jamaica is experiencing a Marijuana shortage


Residential Hero of the Black Weirdos
We must be living in the Last Days for this to occur:

Jamaica is reportedly running low on marijuana

'It’s a cultural embarrassment'

Though many vacationers flock to Jamaica to enjoy its beautiful beaches, Caribbean food, and reggae, the scenery isn’t the only attraction. The country’s good ganja also draws tourists, but unfortunately, the supply is running low.

The shortage in the island’s famed but largely illegal market can be blamed on heavy rains followed by an extended drought, an increase in local consumption and a drop in the number of marijuana farmers.

“It’s a cultural embarrassment,” said Triston Thompson, chief opportunity explorer for Tacaya, a consulting and brokerage firm for the country’s nascent legal cannabis industry.

In 2015, Jamaica authorized a regulated medical marijuana industry and decriminalized small amounts of weed. People caught with 2 ounces (56 grams) or less of cannabis are slapped with a small fine, but aren’t arrested. The island also allows individuals to cultivate up to five plants, and Rastafarians are legally allowed to smoke ganja for sacramental purposes.

Environmental conditions like heavy rains during last year’s hurricane season took a toll on marijuana crops. That devastation was followed by a lengthy drought that caused tens of thousands of dollars in losses, according to farmers who cultivate pot outside the legal system.

According to ABC News, the strict COVID-19 measures that the government enforced made a bad situation even worse. A 6 p.m. curfew that prevents farmers from tending to their fields at night, as is routine, is one of the COVID regulations that has impacted marijuana production.

Kenrick Wallace, 29, who cultivates 2 acres with the help of 20 other farmers, estimates that he lost more than $18,000 in recent months and cultivated only 300 pounds, compared with an average of 700 to 800 pounds the group normally produces.

The government’s Cannabis Licensing Authority said there is no shortage of marijuana in the regulated industry. But farmers and activists say weed sold via legal dispensaries known as herb houses is out of reach for many given that it still costs five to 10 times more than pot on the street, per ABC News.

It's quite obvious what the gov't is doing though. If all the legal weed farmers aren't having a shortage that means they are growing indoors and probably allowed to do some farming at times the illegal farmers can't do.

They basically trying to put the illegal weed farmers out of business and drive all that money to the legal farmers and dispensaries so they can get their cut of the money. Especially since they charge more for that weed than they do on the street.

It's like that here as well the dispensaries charge more for the same strain of weed you can get from somebody at a pop-up or on the street.
send them people a few zips till pay day mane damn


i hate to hear this
I dont really believe this. Seems like a hyped up story for views. I bet some famers were affected but not all of them. And the pandemic pretty much shut down most of the tourism, slowly more weed sales. They should bounce back by the time its open to tourism again.

Jamaica's government problem is they're always got America's dick in their mouth and think everything America does, they should do. They only started decriminalizing weed when America started doing it. And now seeing how much money the medical marijuana industry is making here, they think they'll make the same amount if they do the same. When the reality is, Jamaicans arnt paying to get a medical license, then paying another up charge to get weed out a dispensary. They arnt white people in America with a bunch of disposable income.

If the Government wasnt run by greedy morons, it would of been legalized decades ago and Jamaica would of been world leaders in the industry.
im hearing its gotten really bad as of late.

When I speak with my father he always tells me how bad it is. He is in August Town they always warring down there. My mother's side of the family is in country (St. Elizabeth) they use to say how it was calmer down there but now it's gotten bad like Kingston.
When I speak with my father he always tells me how bad it is. He is in August Town they always warring down there. My mother's side of the family is in country (St. Elizabeth) they use to say how it was calmer down there but now it's gotten bad like Kingston.
Clarendon been crazy also.
Used to be where I headed when school was out cause the country was always lax and calm and Kingston the opposite.
Now country ah bake it sometimes worse or on par with the city.
Clarendon been crazy also.
Used to be where I headed when school was out cause the country was always lax and calm and Kingston the opposite.
Now country ah bake it sometimes worse or on par with the city.

When I was younger I use to walk the backroads from August Town to Mona (I use to see a catty over there) at night with no problems. My brother didn't like it but they left me alone because of my family. Now no way would I do that now. When my grandfather died and I went down for the funeral we had to duck down and turn off the lights because a man kicked another man off his bicycle and drew a gun on him right in front of our house. They've robbed one of my brothers down there (he was at a dance and stuck up everyone).
When I was younger I use to walk the backroads from August Town to Mona (I use to see a catty over there) at night with no problems. My brother didn't like it but they left me alone because of my family. Now no way would I do that now. When my grandfather died and I went down for the funeral we had to duck down and turn off the lights because a man kicked another man off his bicycle and drew a gun on him right in front of our house. They've robbed one of my brothers down there (he was at a dance and stuck up everyone).
Damn they robbed the whole joint?
