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Jaheim Should've Been Putting his Dogs First.. Black Samson reviews terrible 90s RnB songs/artists

"How do you plead"

"Not guilty your honor"

As far as I've ever known, hes anti-drug...so much so, that he won't take prescribed drugs for his documented mental illness

It may or may not be a situation where he's now been self medicating
He got pulled over in NJ and I assume arrested driving 65 on a 35 mph street in 2010 and they searched his car a found some drugs and he didn't pop back up in the public until 2013
He got pulled over in NJ and I assume arrested driving 65 on a 35 mph in 2010 and they searched his car a found some drugs and he didn't pop back up in the public until 2013
That nigga smoking vegan crack
Okay...geeze louise! lol

Him being on drugs or not, doesn't preclude him from being mentally ill...or vegan lol