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The original is a classic and push the horror genre forward. White folks gonna be pissed that they remade this with black people
I saw the OG and that's going to be an insanely difficult movie to remake. Particularly because of the underlying entendre in the movie (the movie is an adaptation on the actual story itself). If I know Hollywood execs, it likely went over their heads and so now they're trying to recreate this cult classic. Novella tragedies are very tough movies to make in general and Hollywood has a shit track record of remakes.

I'll tell you now Michael Ealy is the one who actually died and is the ghost. End of movie.

think so even tho they showed homeboy(Jesse Williams) in the tub?

Been a while since I seen the original but I wouldn't be surprised if you were right tho
Ion wanna ruin it for those that havent seen the original...

But there is some suppposed esoteric meaning behind Jacob's Ladder and the movie has some symbolic representation of what that is.
Well the trailer practically gave away the movie LOLOLOL.

If you know the biblical text "Ladder of Jacob" there are 7 chapters of "limbo" Jacob goes through until he comes to terms that he's actually dead and can start over new.

In the OG his son was the one who passed away years earlier and in the end he realized the entire time he died in the Vietnam War and he's met by his son as they walk into I guess the kingdom of heaven up the long stairs.

Word the original was trippy as fuck. I thought they mighta just been tryna pull an okie doke similar to how they did with the Pet Sematary remake on this.... Either way I'm interested to see how this one turns out.
Thoughts so far ? How does it measure up ?

It was aite.. I was expecting it to be more in line with the original but they put a different spin on it.

Was a little disappointed with the ending since I had my expectations of what was going to happen from the original
What happened in the end ? (I aint gon watch it Rotten Tomatoes gave it 6%....)

Aite... lol

Quick synopsis... basically the shit starts off with Jacob and his wife and kid.. happy life but he has flashbacks of his brother dying in war... shit gets weirder from there and he starts having more hallucinations n shit.. Eventually turns out his brother isn't dead.. he finds his brother and tries to nurse him back to health.. he's been living around/with junkies on this drug. Things continue to get weird for Jacob..fever dream type shit similar to the original...

long story short.. Jacob was trippin the whole time.. he was the junkie.. and the drugs made him think his brothers life was his.. shit goes on from there as he continues to spiral...they eventually confront the so called doctor that's making the drugs... doctor says he's trying to help the vets but he's just been experimenting on them essentially. The drug was supposed to help them forget the wild shit they seen in war but it just replaced their memories with others... the brother threatens to call the cops... doctor pulls a gun and fires.

Jacob jumps in front of the bullet and saves his brother... him and the doctor fly out the window and both die lol