It Was All A Dream... Or Was It???


the marathon continues........
Jan 21, 2017
Do dreams mean anything to you?

Do you believe dreams have any validity or any link to real life or are they just random weird thoughts?

Have you ever had a recurring dream? What was it?
The only dream I had that was exactly the same every time was when I was in early elementary school (maybe around 5 or so).

It started off as me on my stomach on the floor of my apartment coloring in a coloring book when something casts a shadow over me. As I turn to see who approached me from behind I see it's not necessarily a "who" but more of "what". It's some kind of monster that was dripping tar or something like an all black swamp thing creature but it was built like that rock dude from Fantastic 4.

As soon as I see it I turn and run to my room and jump on my bed and get in a little karate stance so I can be eye to eye with it. I'm just waiting for this thing to step in my room. It does and it approaches me. I roundhouse kick that thing in it's chest and it stumbles back but barely. It approaches again and I throw another roundhouse to the chest. It did the same thing as before. It was unfazed but after it stumbles it says to me "whoa you're strong" and turns and walks away.

I had this exact same dream at least 3 times.
Another dream I used to have often was a dream about flying. These dreams were not exactly the same as the previous dream with the monster but they were all different scenarios with the exact same theme.

I've always wanted to fly and in these dreams I would. It always started off as me flying pretty close to the ground, just a few feet off the ground. But I was in total control of it and was having all kinds of fun doing it. Then all of the sudden I start flying very fast and I'm going straight up. I'm no longer in control at this point. It's like I'm getting pulled up. I finally stop flying and come to a complete stop and I'm just hovering. When I look down I'm somewhere between earths atmosphere and outer space but not all the way in space. Everything below me is tiny.

Being that I wasn't in control of the flight I'm scared, and as I'm hovering there I say "How did you get up here? You can't fly." Immediately I begin to fall full speed to the ground. I never regain control and wake up right before I hit the pavement.

I used to have several variations of this dream in my (early) teens.

Both dreams I believe have spiritual undertones.
I also had a recurring dream about a certain female poster I rarely interacted with that wasn't sexual in nature. I've also been seeing her screen name randomly throughout the day lately as well.

I had a recurring dream when i was a kid. It always started the same, i would be on the couch watching TV, mom would tell me its time for bed and to go brush my teeth (i was maybe like 5 when these dreams started) in the dream i would go upstairs and reach the top and see straight into the bathroom and the shower curtain would open up and the Leprechaun (from the horror movie, mom would let me watch all the horror movies when i was a kid) would stare out at me. I would usually wake up at that point. I had the dream maybe 10 times through the years. One time i was having the dream and i knew i was dreaming. I walked up the stairs knowing i would see the leprechaun. He opens up the shower curtain and looks out at me, so i charged at him trying to fight him. He stretched his arm out like 10 feet and grabbed me by the throat and pulled me closer and i kicked him then i woke up. Never had the dream again after that time.
Zombies...I'll just leave it at that.
I had a recurring dream when i was a kid. It always started the same, i would be on the couch watching TV, mom would tell me its time for bed and to go brush my teeth (i was maybe like 5 when these dreams started) in the dream i would go upstairs and reach the top and see straight into the bathroom and the shower curtain would open up and the Leprechaun (from the horror movie, mom would let me watch all the horror movies when i was a kid) would stare out at me. I would usually wake up at that point. I had the dream maybe 10 times through the years. One time i was having the dream and i knew i was dreaming. I walked up the stairs knowing i would see the leprechaun. He opens up the shower curtain and looks out at me, so i charged at him trying to fight him. He stretched his arm out like 10 feet and grabbed me by the throat and pulled me closer and i kicked him then i woke up. Never had the dream again after that time.

Interesting you stopped having that dream when you decided to face it.

Do you believe dreams have meaning or just random thoughts?
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Just random thoughts, but i was always blown away that the time i tried fighting back is also the last time i ever had the dream. I remember having it often as fuck and i remember (in my dream) walking up those stairs tons of times knowing he was going to be behind the shower curtain.

I had the dream often as hell within a couple of years, i think i was maybe 8 when i had the last dream.

The movie itself never scared me, I thought it was funny. The cover though creeped me out for some reason. In the dream he always looked exactly like this, but instead of a door, he was pulling back a shower curtain.

I also had a recurring dream about a certain female poster I rarely interacted with that wasn't sexual in nature. I've also been seeing her screen name randomly throughout the day lately as well.


Who is it?
I love dreams. I think they mean something. Especially recurring ones. I've had my share of recurring dreams and I still don't know what they meant.
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I havent had night dreams that i can remember in a long time i think my rem sleep is messed up. But if i nap during the day for longer than two hours ill get a real vivid dream. I get deja vu alot but i heard thats just a brain thing nothing really