I had a recurring dream when i was a kid. It always started the same, i would be on the couch watching TV, mom would tell me its time for bed and to go brush my teeth (i was maybe like 5 when these dreams started) in the dream i would go upstairs and reach the top and see straight into the bathroom and the shower curtain would open up and the Leprechaun (from the horror movie, mom would let me watch all the horror movies when i was a kid) would stare out at me. I would usually wake up at that point. I had the dream maybe 10 times through the years. One time i was having the dream and i knew i was dreaming. I walked up the stairs knowing i would see the leprechaun. He opens up the shower curtain and looks out at me, so i charged at him trying to fight him. He stretched his arm out like 10 feet and grabbed me by the throat and pulled me closer and i kicked him then i woke up. Never had the dream again after that time.