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It always starts with a demonic entitled "KKKaren(white female Thug)". Proof inside.

Lemme tell yall something, that's who they are

Black people as a whole don't realise this because we are the minority but white people are cowardly as fuck the majority of them are pussy. They don't act bold like that because they're brave they its because they have numbers...as soon as you call them out you see what's happening

Dude messed up by getting defensive and defending his presence with the "im not stealing" thing. What he should have done is just call the dude a white supremacist

Get loud and say "are you a white supremacist?" "Are you a nazi?" and you'd see how the cac would break down and bow down. It would immediately turn to him saying no I'm not, how dare you I have a black janitor, shit like that

For anyone reading this, turn the tables on them and you can't go wrong

Completely believe her about the cop.
Got into an accident before with a cave becky, they called the cops, cop came, heard my side first looked at the car crashes and deemed it was ol girl's fault. One becky(cause they travelled in a pack) was like "well actually" and said some blah blah blah shit and I stood there incredulous and watched that cop completely take her side. It was like this bitch just spoke lizard tongue right in front of me and the pig recognized it. Crazy