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Is There Such Thing As Race?

That's not true. jewish people don't consider themselves White.

And (Sunni) Muslims don't identify themselves by race.
Howard Stern doesn’t consider himself white?

Islam is a faith, it ain’t a race, so OF COURSE Sunni Muslims don’t identify themselves by race!!!

What are you talking about?
We all know what a dark skinned Nigerian looks like.

And we all know what a blonde Swedish person looks like.

We know what a Chinese person looks like.

But what about people that do not fit in those 3 categories?

Mulatto/Middle Eastern/Latino/Mediterranean all look alike.

If a Mediterranean person and a Latino produced a boy, and a Middle Eastern person and a Mulatto produced a girl, and the boy and the girl had a baby, what race would the grandchild be?

Does the concept of "race" "national origin" and "ethnicity" even matter nowadays?

If a so-called "community leader" wanted to do something for the Black Community, would he have to separate people by dark skin vs light skin?

Do dark skinned Black people have to identify as Black?

Do blonde haired blue eyed White people have to identify as White?

Is it possible to view everybody the same ; human.

Or does it make more sense to classify people by religion ; Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Mason, Atheist, Agnostic, etc.

Or does the concept of "classifying people" not make sense?

Should we try to disregard a person's nationality, ethnicity, and religion and judge each individual person by their character and their deeds? If so, what are we going by, their criminal record, level of education and bank account?

I grew up in the suburbs amongst Jewish people (and Blacks and Whites). Jewish people don't consider themselves White, just like Muslims don't consider themselves Arabs.

So yeah, is there such thing as race, or is it in the eye of the beholder?

Also, if you had to report a crime to the police, how would you describe the person?
I just want to know your connects name

I havent had a good trip in a while
The so called Jews that belong to Haplogroup J1 & J2 originated in the Caucasus.
They carry high levels of SLC24A5, SLC45A2, HERC2, & OCA2. Genes that's responsible for depigmentation. They are white.

Haplogroup J1 (J-P58) & J-FGC11 invaded the
The Ebla Kingdom (AfroAsiatics Natufians in the Levant & Arabian Peninsula) around 2500BC. The AfroAsiatics belonged to Haplogroup
E1b1a and E1b1b.

Objective Jews know that they adopted the culture of AfroAsiatic Natufians. Some white folks have E1b1b but they know it's origin are close to people that looked Somali or Bedouins. E1b1b is the paternal out of Africa gene going to the Levant and Southern Europe.

In the census they considered Somali black and Ethiopians Caucasians/West Asians😆.

E1b1a originated around North East Africa but settled in West Africa. Majority of Black folks in the Western Hemisphere of the Americas belong to Haplogroup E1b1a
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The so called Jews that belong to Haplogroup J1 & J2 originated in the Caucasus.
They carry high levels of SLC24A5, SLC45A2, HERC2, & OCA2. Genes that's responsible for depigmentation. They are white.

Haplogroup J1 (J-P58) & J-FGC11 invaded the
The Ebla Kingdom (AfroAsiatics Natufians in the Levant & Arabian Peninsula) around 2500BC. The AfroAsiatics belonged to Haplogroup
E1b1a and E1b1b.

Objective Jews know that they adopted the culture of AfroAsiatic Natufians. Some white folks have E1b1b but they know it's origin are close to people that looked Somali or Bedouins. E1b1b is the paternal out of Africa gene going to the Levant and Southern Europe.

In the census they considered Somali black and Ethiopians Caucasians/West Asians😆.

E1b1a originated around North East Africa but settled in West Africa. Majority of Black folks in the Western Hemisphere of the Americas belong to Haplogroup E1b1a

Yeah but if any of those people had a baby by somebody outside of their race, then only half of what you said is true.

Race mixing was frowned upon in America up until about 50 years ago. In fact prior to the civil rights movement, people didn't travel as much (because the airline industry didn't really exist). But nowadays you could be on three different continents in the same week and it wouldn't be unusual.

@Bed$tuy , your DNA data makes sense, but after 1 or 2 generations of race mixing it is effectively meaningless.
Different question. Do people here actually think that race needs to be preserved? Do you think it would be ok if 200 years from now, everyone in the U.S. was just a brown mish mash of a bunch of different racial backgrounds or do you think it's important that the majority of the country remain as distinct races?
Different question. Do people here actually think that race needs to be preserved? Do you think it would be ok if 200 years from now, everyone in the U.S. was just a brown mish mash of a bunch of different racial backgrounds or do you think it's important that the majority of the country remain as distinct races?

Yes I believe distinct races are still important…it has been apart of human history
Yeah but if any of those people had a baby by somebody outside of their race, then only half of what you said is true.

Race mixing was frowned upon in America up until about 50 years ago. In fact prior to the civil rights movement, people didn't travel as much (because the airline industry didn't really exist). But nowadays you could be on three different continents in the same week and it wouldn't be unusual.

@Bed$tuy , your DNA data makes sense, but after 1 or 2 generations of race mixing it is effectively meaningless.
Correct. "This is...... The Nature of the Threat"😏


DNA isn't meaningless tho

It is everything. It traces who come from who, where they migrated, mutations, diseases, and all kinds of stuff.
Blood and Ancient DNA fossils is the key.
Understanding haplogroups is very important
Race exists…..

The End

So if a Nigerian and a Person from China have a baby, what race is the baby?

And if the baby marries someone half Swedish and half Brazilian, what race is the grandchild?

If a person is

1/4 Nigerian
1/4 Chinese
1/4 Swedish
1/4 Brazilian

What box does this person check at the DMV when he's renewing his driver's license?

Now that the airline industry has been around for 50 years+ I think race mixing will happen more frequently.

So the premise of my question is, in another 100 years, will there be different races?

African genes are stronger…Asian genetics are close behind…the baby will be considered black

No matter how you try to mix it, the genetics that are most dominant will show the prominent race on skin, hair and bone structure

The title of this thread is “does race exist”

The fact that you’re coming up with all of these different examples proves that it DOES exist…

African genes are stronger…Asian genetics are close behind…the baby will be considered black

No matter how you try to mix it, the genetics that are most dominant will show the prominent race on skin, hair and bone structure

The title of this thread is “does race exist”

The fact that you’re coming up with all of these different examples proves that it DOES exist…

The bold is precisely why race doesn't exist as defined. You're claiming that African genes are stronger. What does that even mean? Africa has the most genetic diversity of any continent on earth. Not all genes found in Africa are dominant. Many of the recessive genes found outside of Africa also exist in Africa, so the first part of the bolded statement doesn't make sense. On top of that, not all genetic expressions are binary (on or off). Skin tone is the most obvious example. If a dark skinned black person and a pale white person procreate, the children are rarely ever dark or pale. In most cases, the skin tone comes out as something blended.

Again, from a scientific standpoint race doesn't exist. The diversity within the established racial groups is greater than what exists between those groups. Further, the traits used to define the accepted races are arbitrary and inconsistent. For example, most Subsaharan Africans have quite a few phenotypic similarities with Negritos or Aboriginal Australians, and some might call all three groups Black because of that, but Africans and Aborigines are the most genetically distant groups of people on the planet.
The bold is precisely why race doesn't exist as defined. You're claiming that African genes are stronger. What does that even mean? Africa has the most genetic diversity of any continent on earth. Not all genes found in Africa are dominant. Many of the recessive genes found outside of Africa also exist in Africa, so the first part of the bolded statement doesn't make sense. On top of that, not all genetic expressions are binary (on or off). Skin tone is the most obvious example. If a dark skinned black person and a pale white person procreate, the children are rarely ever dark or pale. In most cases, the skin tone comes out as something blended.

Again, from a scientific standpoint race doesn't exist. The diversity within the established racial groups is greater than what exists between those groups. Further, the traits used to define the accepted races are arbitrary and inconsistent. For example, most Subsaharan Africans have quite a few phenotypic similarities with Negritos or Aboriginal Australians, and some might call all three groups Black because of that, but Africans and Aborigines are the most genetically distant groups of people on the planet.

I don't know about the DNA data, but you'd have to be deaf,dumb and blind if you haven't noticed any differences between Black Americans and White Americans. Not just the physical differences, but also the cultural differences, e.g. music, speech, dance, athletic ability.

There is a difference between Blacks and Whites in America and you can't tell me any different. But my question is more along the lines of; if the races mix, they look similar e.g. a Brazilian and an Arab look alike.

How do you classify/categorize people that have 4 grandparents of different ethnicities/nationalities, or does race become irrelevant at that point.
I don't know about the DNA data, but you'd have to be deaf,dumb and blind if you haven't noticed any differences between Black Americans and White Americans. Not just the physical differences, but also the cultural differences, e.g. music, speech, dance, athletic ability.

There is a difference between Blacks and Whites in America and you can't tell me any different. But my question is more along the lines of; if the races mix, they look similar e.g. a Brazilian and an Arab look alike.

How do you classify/categorize people that have 4 grandparents of different ethnicities/nationalities, or does race become irrelevant at that point.
Ask the people of european decenent when they tell you they are 1/3 irish 2/6 german 6/18 ukranian. Cuz they all look alike. And they all check White on the DMV application.

Just pass the blount. You fucking up the rotation. Puff puff pass....stick to the script
I don't know about the DNA data, but you'd have to be deaf,dumb and blind if you haven't noticed any differences between Black Americans and White Americans. Not just the physical differences, but also the cultural differences, e.g. music, speech, dance, athletic ability.

There is a difference between Blacks and Whites in America and you can't tell me any different. But my question is more along the lines of; if the races mix, they look similar e.g. a Brazilian and an Arab look alike.

How do you classify/categorize people that have 4 grandparents of different ethnicities/nationalities, or does race become irrelevant at that point.

There are differences between Black Americans and White Americans culturally. I don't think anyone is arguing differently. Some would argue that Black Americans have more in common culturally with White Americans that Black Africans. There's probably some truth to that.
The so called Jews that belong to Haplogroup J1 & J2 originated in the Caucasus.
They carry high levels of SLC24A5, SLC45A2, HERC2, & OCA2. Genes that's responsible for depigmentation. They are white.

Haplogroup J1 (J-P58) & J-FGC11 invaded the
The Ebla Kingdom (AfroAsiatics Natufians in the Levant & Arabian Peninsula) around 2500BC. The AfroAsiatics belonged to Haplogroup
E1b1a and E1b1b.

Objective Jews know that they adopted the culture of AfroAsiatic Natufians. Some white folks have E1b1b but they know it's origin are close to people that looked Somali or Bedouins. E1b1b is the paternal out of Africa gene going to the Levant and Southern Europe.

In the census they considered Somali black and Ethiopians Caucasians/West Asians😆.

E1b1a originated around North East Africa but settled in West Africa. Majority of Black folks in the Western Hemisphere of the Americas belong to Haplogroup E1b1a

J1 and J2 and K all of that were definitely migrated down there but merged but J became more dominant due to more migrants. But E is present in them.

E is very diverse and huge like mitochondria L markers are very diverse. So saying you are an E or an L is huge. E1b1a is huge that it had to be split apart. Jews are definitely a mixed bag. They can be light to dark. So we need to realize their diverse backgrounds.