Is there anything thats an absolute truth?


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Apr 4, 2017
This question can be tricky in itself and kind of a contradiction but is there anything that is absolute?

absolute truth is whatever is always valid, regardless of parameters or context. The absolute in the term connotes one or more of: a quality of truth that cannot be exceeded; complete truth; unvarying and permanent truth. It can be contrasted to relative truth or truth in a more ordinary sense in which a degree of relativity is implied.

the speed of light is not absolute.

neither is mathematics.

so help me find what truly is.
We live and we die. No matter how well you eat, how much money you have, how smart you are etc. we all leave here one way or another.
But is death absolute or just a transfer of energy between vessels?

So what dies? The vessel or the energy powering the vessel?
I see imma have to rumble this nigga.

Dark on dark hate


To be real the statement I made creates a paradox that undercuts any supporting evidence I could provide...

But my source is the show Atlanta, that’s where that line came from
It may not be absolute to others but there are some things that are indeed absolutely true