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Is there any chance that the periodic table is wrong?

I use the word "alchemy" when I rap.

Alchemy means; to make into gold. More specifically; making lead into gold.

But it can't be done. You can't make lead into gold, but there's a word for doing it; alchemy.

That's what the current powers of this era want you to believe. They have you watching comics,anime, and sci-fi shit thinking it's fake....energy is energy. Mastering the forms is an art that I believe does exist.

We manipulate elements all day long and aren't even aware.
Of course it's inaccurate, wrong or what have you. We know what we know right now. And that could change in the future and usually does.
(See: fats are bad for you -->>> acutally some fats are good for you ~ Science community🙃)

Golden rule is: energy can't be created or destroyed blah blah blah, and while thats correct and accurate, it's only correct and accurate because that is our level of understanding of energy right now. And it's prolly for good reason we don't know how to destroy energy.

Words are merely ways we've devised to understand and communicate with other humans. If I'm pointing at the moon but I have no language to communicate, you don't know wtf I'm pointing at. Similarly if I have an object and then I get another one, how do I tell you that now I have 2 without having an agreed upon system of words and letters.

We aren't perfect and neither are our systems or understanding.
Of course it's inaccurate, wrong or what have you. We know what we know right now. And that could change in the future and usually does.
(See: fats are bad for you -->>> acutally some fats are good for you ~ Science community🙃)

Golden rule is: energy can't be created or destroyed blah blah blah, and while thats correct and accurate, it's only correct and accurate because that is our level of understanding of energy right now. And it's prolly for good reason we don't know how to destroy energy.

Words are merely ways we've devised to understand and communicate with other humans. If I'm pointing at the moon but I have no language to communicate, you don't know wtf I'm pointing at. Similarly if I have an object and then I get another one, how do I tell you that now I have 2 without having an agreed upon system of words and letters.

We aren't perfect and neither are our systems or understanding.

It's not wrong until it's wrong. All these mental gymnastics y'all trying to do for no reason is headassery. 🤦🏿‍♂️
I use the word "alchemy" when I rap.

Alchemy means; to make into gold. More specifically; making lead into gold.

But it can't be done. You can't make lead into gold, but there's a word for doing it; alchemy.

Alchemy means divine science. Turning lead into gold was one aspect of it but not the only one.

Alchemy and hermetic science gave birth to a lot of core concepts and techniques used in chemistry, plant science, medicine, metallurgy and so forth but these days it's obsolete. Period.
Of course it's inaccurate, wrong or what have you. We know what we know right now. And that could change in the future and usually does.
(See: fats are bad for you -->>> acutally some fats are good for you ~ Science community🙃)

Golden rule is: energy can't be created or destroyed blah blah blah, and while thats correct and accurate, it's only correct and accurate because that is our level of understanding of energy right now. And it's prolly for good reason we don't know how to destroy energy.

Words are merely ways we've devised to understand and communicate with other humans. If I'm pointing at the moon but I have no language to communicate, you don't know wtf I'm pointing at. Similarly if I have an object and then I get another one, how do I tell you that now I have 2 without having an agreed upon system of words and letters.

We aren't perfect and neither are our systems or understanding.

this book was a great read

basically before zero was invented, you had 1 or many

then it went to: one, one & one (2), one & one & one (3), etc.

then "0" came & changed the game

Literally the reason I aint finish college. No matter what I did or how much I studied i never got it.

Same here.

I tried but eventually I said "fucc it". So did most of the students. The ONE test we did pass...we cheated. Lol!

Our teacher new something was up when a lot of us was gettin 80s. So he started callin muthafuccas up to his desk one by one to test them. MAAAAAAAAANNNNN....I got outta there so quick! Lol. I told him I had to use the bathroom. By the time I got back...class was over. Lol
Watch evolution...

They key to killing the aliens was the periodic table of elements