What you guys may or may not realize is that back in the 80s, Hip Hop was an underground thing. You didn't hear Rakim, Krs, Big Daddy Kane, Slick Rick on the radio, unless you stayed ip late at night and listened to college radio.
But songs like Eric B Is President andI Know You Got Soul were the songs thst packed the dancefloor at parties. I mean everybody knew of Eric B and Rakim, Krs, Kane, etc. But it just wasn't played on the radio. And I'm talking before The Source, before Yo! MTV Raps and before Rap City.
There's really nothing to compare Eric B and Rakim to nowadays. I guess you could say Nas raps like Rakim, but Nas gets his videos played on mainstream media.
I mean, picture a whole genre of music that doesn't get any recognition in the media and then going to a party and hearing that genre of music all night and then going home knowing you'll never hear those songs mixed together until the next party.
Anyway, Eric B Is President and I Know You Got Soul were the songs that got the party started.