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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

say man.. if you aint gonna vote for someone how bout you just shut the fuck up.

I dont even care who any of yall vote for really. But if you gonna bitch and complain about everything but choose not to vote for ANYONE... dem, repub, independent, write in. whatever. If you cant be bothered to do anything and you on couch status.. Shut up.. goddamn
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So someone posted a picture of Kamala with someone who said something racist, and there's a popular tweet on Twitter saying that the woman is her best friend.

To which it is perfectly rational to say that for all we know, she took a picture with the woman at a public event and they are barely acquaintances, if that. (Not to mention that it could be before the taped conversation with the racist comment came out.)

But it's caping to point that out?
So someone posted a picture of Kamala with someone who said something racist, and there's a popular tweet on Twitter saying that the woman is her best friend.

To which it is perfectly rational to say that for all we know, she took a picture with the woman at a public event and they are barely acquaintances, if that. (Not to mention that it could be before the taped conversation with the racist comment came out.)

But it's caping to point that out?
Why don't you mind your own country's business?

Better yet why don't you mind your homeland's business?

We don't stick our nose in Canadian affairs. Fuck off
if you aint voting you aint minding YOUR countries business either you can hush up and fuck off as well
Again, like I told the other tethers I wouldn't expect y'all to relate to standing for something

Inori you don't stand for anything
you wont even stand to vote for something you bum ass nigga you wont even vote for Cornell. You just be talking just to talk
Tether. Cornell is not offering anything

I wouldnt have to convince you if we were talking about Thanos or somebody from MCU. You don't give a fuck about anything that matters nigga, don't start now. You wanna sit up here and talk about peanut butter all day

You played your coon card on several tables. You already said you'd use pronouns, you already said you let a racist white woman with dementia spit on you. You already shown your willingness to Fold. Why the fuck should I listen to anything you have to say?
Tether. Cornell is not offering anything

I wouldnt have to convince you if we were talking about Thanos or somebody from MCU. You don't give a fuck about anything that matters nigga you want to sit up here and talk about peanut butter all day

You played your coon card on several tables. You already said you'd use pronouns, you already said you let a racist white woman with dementia spit on you. You already shown your willingness to fold. Why the fuck should I listen to anything you have to say?

lol your reading comprehension clearly off so ima just let ya clear and obvious lies just pass on by and not even entertain them. best of luck to you ma nigga in your future endeavours. Maybe you should put more energy into engaging with the community you claim so fiercely to advocate for instead of lame insults to people you disagree with online..maybe thats asking too much of you tho. dah well
lol your reading comprehension clearly off so ima just let ya clear and obvious lies just pass on by and not even entertain them. best of luck to you ma nigga in your future endeavours. Maybe you should put more energy into engaging with the community you claim so fiercely to advocate for instead of lame insults to people you disagree with online..maybe thats asking too much of you tho. dah well
You're really good at running away, where are you from?