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COMMUNITY Is it coonery to sign a petition for James Gunn?

I like watching collider video on YouTube. They talk about movies. That’s where I seen that info about the petition.

One guy had a good argument that Disney is kind of setting themselves up for future scrutiny because they own so much stuff and with them buying out the Fox movie studios soon it’s going to be even harder to accrue talent who hasn’t done something deemed as questionable in their past. Disney fired James Gunn, not Kevin Fiege or anybody at the Marvel studios wing. Like the head of Disney fired the guy

Honestly I don’t blame them for firing him because what he said isn’t a good look. Even if he has grown up a lot since the 5 or 7 years since he posted that stuff. He might of meant for it to be jokes but it wasn’t very funny to many and very disturbing. It’s a seriously bad look for a company that makes 95% of their income off of content that targets children as their audience.

The crazy part is Kevin Fiege and the folks at Marvel Stuidos might of knew about those tweets before hand and still hired the guy. It was reported that they looked heavily into his old posting on social media and interviews before even hiring him. Makes you think a little bit......
The same comic fans that are outraged over Gunn losing his job are trying to convince themselves that this

Isn't an issue. So they can go fuck themselves. James Gunn is rich and will get another job.

The fans of Teen Titans have always been vocal about their love of Teen Titans and their hatred of Teen Titans Go, so much so that TTG constantly references and mocks their haters throughout the series. It's no surprise that they would act this way to any changes to their beloved characters... with that said, it's narrow-minded to group all the fans together into one nerdy group, especially knowing Marvel and DC's fan rivalry...
I like watching collider video on YouTube. They talk about movies. That’s where I seen that info about the petition.

One guy had a good argument that Disney is kind of setting themselves up for future scrutiny because they own so much stuff and with them buying out the Fox movie studios soon it’s going to be even harder to accrue talent who hasn’t done something deemed as questionable in their past. Disney fired James Gunn, not Kevin Fiege or anybody at the Marvel studios wing. Like the head of Disney fired the guy

Honestly I don’t blame them for firing him because what he said isn’t a good look. Even if he has grown up a lot since the 5 or 7 years since he posted that stuff. He might of meant for it to be jokes but it wasn’t very funny to many and very disturbing. It’s a seriously bad look for a company that makes 95% of their income off of content that targets children as their audience.

The crazy part is Kevin Fiege and the folks at Marvel Stuidos might of knew about those tweets before hand and still hired the guy. It was reported that they looked heavily into his old posting on social media and interviews before even hiring him. Makes you think a little bit......
This and @Black_Samson's post in the Rick and Morty thread are the most informed and mature posts I've seen on this thread regarding this topic...

I've said from the beginning that Disney either didn't do their research on Gunn before hiring him or knew exactly what they were getting into with him. I'm not a fan of Troma films, but as a cinephile I'm aware of the Toxic Avenger and such. But, I have seen Super (which he directed and has a scene where Ellen Paige rapes Rainn Wilson, played for laughs), Slither, and the unfortunatly named Lollilove, all movies that can be called "black comedies" and may offend some people.

Although I didn't think any of Gunns tweets were funny, think they very much were in bad taste, and umderstand Disney's decision, I also understand that it's a slippery slope and if we start attacking every comedian who ever retro-actively made an off-color joke or creative who made an immature student film, the talent pool is going to become very shallow and the humor neutered.

And yall may not give two fucks about GOTG, but it won't be long before this effects the entertainment yall do enjoy...
Black people defending Gunn, or white people in general, need to be given a careful eye. I don't know what dude said, but these closet racist often will make "jokes" about others before going in on blacks. Best believe they've got all kinds of nigger jokes they're sitting on for the right moment. I've only heard in passing he said some pedo shit, which ain't nothing we need to be putting our necks on the line for. Mind your business I say, this ain't our fight.
Black people defending Gunn, or white people in general, need to be given a careful eye. I don't know what dude said, but these closet racist often will make "jokes" about others before going in on blacks.
This is the gist of my point. But GOTG vol 3 not sucking trumps that I guess.
Im mad late on this. But did what did he say? I did hear it was as some pedo shit and if so fuck him.
I had to Google it:

Mission accomplished. Gunn has long been a provocateur who has drawn ire in the past for his unusual humor. Among the tweets that forced Disney and Marvel’s hand were: “I like when little boys touch me in my silly place.”

Another: “The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!’” There were others that made satirical comments about the 9/11 attack, AIDS and the Holocaust. Yet another described a monkey masturbating on a young child, and his commentary that it made him “extremely happy.” These missives were not funny and entirely disturbing, given a preoccupation with fetishing underage boys. That left him a sitting duck for his retroactive social media commentary

-From the deadline.com
I had to Google it:

Mission accomplished. Gunn has long been a provocateur who has drawn ire in the past for his unusual humor. Among the tweets that forced Disney and Marvel’s hand were: “I like when little boys touch me in my silly place.”

Another: “The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!’” There were others that made satirical comments about the 9/11 attack, AIDS and the Holocaust. Yet another described a monkey masturbating on a young child, and his commentary that it made him “extremely happy.” These missives were not funny and entirely disturbing, given a preoccupation with fetishing underage boys. That left him a sitting duck for his retroactive social media commentary

-From the deadline.com

Thank you.

But yea idgaf about all that other shit but don't joke about kids touching your dick. I dont care what his reason is and what excuse they giving him and how "he was joking". Just leave the babies alone.
So, I guess the cast is trying to go to bat for James Gunn. Lmao. Honestly i’m Not surprised if this is true but i have a sneaky suspicion that not everyone would get this same support.