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Is FEMINISM rooted with the demonic Lilith? Did Jezebaal worship Ishtar?🤔😏

Yeah the bible is an esoteric book of plagiarized myth and allegory. Has roots in African spirituality. There's knowledge relating to spiritual sciences on a symbolic level that pertains to an occult understanding when applied. So the average Christian who thinks witchcraft and the occult is "evil" is worshipping something that originates from the very same shit 🔥🔥
Sure ya right, Kandy😏
Yeah let me go ahead and put you on ignore cos your responses are always moronic, including this one. Since you have nothing intelligent to say you fall back on the usual “you must be another poster” retort. Intellectually lazy, just like the absolute nonsense you post on here. The fact you get your information from YouTube videos and not books or research journals tells me everything I need to know about you.
Yeah let me go ahead and put you on ignore cos your responses are always moronic, including this one. Since you have nothing intelligent to say you fall back on the usual “you must be another poster” retort. Intellectually lazy, just like the absolute nonsense you post on here. The fact you get your information from YouTube videos and not books or research journals tells me everything I need to know about you.
Ok Kandy
Good day😏
Yeah the bible is an esoteric book of plagiarized myth and allegory. Has roots in African spirituality. There's knowledge relating to spiritual sciences on a symbolic level that pertains to an occult understanding when applied. So the average Christian who thinks witchcraft and the occult is "evil" is worshipping something that originates from the very same shit 🔥🔥

No. I used to believe the same shit. Saw the same YouTube videos, read some of the same books. When I was consuming all that content, the only book I didn’t actually read was the Bible.

I’d read a few verses and had a lot read AT me… but I hadn’t delved into it myself.

Ironically when I actually sat down to read it, it was on a scholarly level and not from faith or belief in its veracity.

And what I discovered was that it is a VERY DIFFERENT collection of stories/book than what were taught about the Bible in western so called Christian society.

It was NEVER meant to be the basis of a world wide religion used to control people, even though that’s what it’s been used for.

It’s a lot more narrow in scope than people realize.

And a lot of those pagan practices, customs and aspects “associated” with modern Christianity were added AFTER THE FACT TO THE RELIGION, and ain’t no where in that book.

Let’s use simple logic right quick… why would a book supposedly based in “witchcraft” turn around and condemn you to death for practicing it? Is it a contradiction? Or bad interpretation by people who don’t actually know wtf they’re talking about?

Let’s try a different example… Like Christmas… not only is it not biblically true that the character of Jesus Christ was born in December or even winter, it’s made pretty obvious that he was born in the spring.

Furthermore I can show you verses specifically prohibiting celebrating “Saturnalia” which is what that really is… I can show you a verse saying decorating Christmas trees specifically was not permitted.

You can find some similarities between certain things but that’s just as an aspect of human nature that people from all kinds of different cultures come to similar conclusions on certain stuff.

Like for instance, pyramid structures. Many different cultures built pyramid like structures, so an uneducated person would assume there’s some deeper connection between cultures, when in reality, a pyramid is just an easy and structurally sound construction.

Many cultures all over the world developed spear and bow and arrow weaponry. Grindstones, levers, hammer and chisel, etc…
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No. I used to believe the same shit. Saw the same YouTube videos, read some of the same books. When I was consuming all that content, the only book I didn’t actually read was the Bible.

I’d read a few verses and had a lot read AT me… but I hadn’t delved into it myself.

Ironically when I actually sat down to read it, it was on a scholarly level and not from faith or belief in its veracity.

And what I discovered was that it is a VERY DIFFERENT collection of stories/book than what were taught about the Bible in western so called Christian society.

It was NEVER meant to be the basis of a world wide religion used to control people, even though that’s what it’s been used for.

It’s a lot more narrow in scope than people realize.

And a lot of those pagan practices, customs and aspects “associated” with modern Christianity were added AFTER THE FACT TO THE RELIGION, and ain’t no where in that book.

Let’s use simple logic right quick… why would a book supposedly based in “witchcraft” turn around and condemn you to death for practicing it? Is it a contradiction? Or bad interpretation by people who don’t actually know wtf they’re talking about?

Let’s try a different example… Like Christmas… not only is it not biblically true that the character of Jesus Christ was born in December or even winter, it’s made pretty obvious that he was born in the spring.

Furthermore I can show you verses specifically prohibiting celebrating “Saturnalia” which is what that really is… I can show you a verse saying decorating Christmas trees specifically was not permitted.

You can find some similarities between certain things but that’s just as an aspect of human nature that people from all kinds of different cultures come to similar conclusions on certain stuff.

Like for instance, pyramid structures. Many different cultures built pyramid like structures, so an uneducated person would assume there’s some deeper connection between cultures, when in reality, a pyramid is just an easy and structurally sound construction.

Many cultures all over the world developed spear and bow and arrow weaponry. Grindstones, levers, hammer and chisel, etc…

I see you didn't reply when I responded to you.

So do you understand where I'm coming from?
No. I used to believe the same shit. Saw the same YouTube videos, read some of the same books. When I was consuming all that content, the only book I didn’t actually read was the Bible.

I’d read a few verses and had a lot read AT me… but I hadn’t delved into it myself.

Ironically when I actually sat down to read it, it was on a scholarly level and not from faith or belief in its veracity.

And what I discovered was that it is a VERY DIFFERENT collection of stories/book than what were taught about the Bible in western so called Christian society.

It was NEVER meant to be the basis of a world wide religion used to control people, even though that’s what it’s been used for.

It’s a lot more narrow in scope than people realize.

And a lot of those pagan practices, customs and aspects “associated” with modern Christianity were added AFTER THE FACT TO THE RELIGION, and ain’t no where in that book.

Let’s use simple logic right quick… why would a book supposedly based in “witchcraft” turn around and condemn you to death for practicing it? Is it a contradiction? Or bad interpretation by people who don’t actually know wtf they’re talking about?

Let’s try a different example… Like Christmas… not only is it not biblically true that the character of Jesus Christ was born in December or even winter, it’s made pretty obvious that he was born in the spring.

Furthermore I can show you verses specifically prohibiting celebrating “Saturnalia” which is what that really is… I can show you a verse saying decorating Christmas trees specifically was not permitted.

You can find some similarities between certain things but that’s just as an aspect of human nature that people from all kinds of different cultures come to similar conclusions on certain stuff.

Like for instance, pyramid structures. Many different cultures built pyramid like structures, so an uneducated person would assume there’s some deeper connection between cultures, when in reality, a pyramid is just an easy and structurally sound construction.

Many cultures all over the world developed spear and bow and arrow weaponry. Grindstones, levers, hammer and chisel, etc…
Yes. What I said is a fact bro. I don't know about your research process in depth but if you haven't dived in deep and researched this info thoroughly directly then you're going to miss the point. There's many, many concepts presented directly from the bible like direct verses that are blatant plagiarisms beyond a reach or a stretch.

I've been studying comparative religion, comparative mythology etc. for over 15 years off of natural interest and have read many ancient esoteric source texts the bible plagiarized from directly front to back. This would include The Pyramid Text, Coffin Text, Book of the Dead, Epic of Gilgamesh, Enuma Elish, Zend Avesta, Nag the Hammadi scriptures, The Kybalion and much more.

The bible is a composite of ancient pagan mythology. Once again I'm not going off of 2nd or 3rd hand books or YouTube videos, I'm talking about the actual source texts themselves.

This is far beyond what some would try to argue are pagan additions after the fact. That has occurred too however.

A handful of examples off of the head and these are from the Torah, which of of course the foundation for all three Abrahamic religions.

God hovering above the water and said let there be light comes from The Pyramid Text. This is Ra riding on his sun boat across the primeval waters of Nun.

The tree of life is based out of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia as well as the concept of the serpent. That serpent is the same serpent known as uraeus upright on Egyptians crown for royalty. Man being made out of clay is directly from The Epic of Gilgamesh and also references Khnum making man out of potters wheel from ancient Egypt.

The 7 days of creation mirrors The Enuma Elish. The story of Moses left in the bushes is the story of king Sargon from Babylon. Noah's ark flood story mirrors The Epic of Gilgamesh far beyond a reach or a stretch. The concept of Jesus being Christ and the word christ comes from the KRST referring to Heru from ancient Egypt, Lord is shepherd refers to Osiris.

Also, to address the "simple logic" regarding bible being derivative or witchcraft you first have to ask yourself what the typical Christian views as witchcraft and what it is. Witchcraft is essentially man having any DIRECT dealing with the spiritual realm. The problem is this if man realized they had a direct access and practical control with the spirit, god, etc. then that would make the church and the structure of the apostles, priests, and deacons obsolete. This is why an illusionary middle man was added for control and to misdirect people' energy. If people knew they had a direct connection with these things and it was not evil to access such there would be no need for a church or any other outside men. And then from that point the control of the populace and those individuals power, control, and wealth is gone.

Man is much easier to control when they rooted within material and illusion and cut off from source. This is mind control. Also much of the esoteric knowledge within bible has its roots from ancient priesthoods and mystery systems that teach a dead letter literal understanding to veil the higher levels of information and it is also dumbed down essentially for mass consumption and appeal. This is done the same way newspaper is written in 6th grade level for the average person to read. The bible is dumbed down spirituality. What I'm speaking on is far from a stretch or just finding general similarities between spiritual systems. Many things are blatant and direct and reference info consistent across the planet and leverage by various modern sciences as well.
Yes. What I said is a fact bro. I don't know about your research process in depth but if you haven't dived in deep and researched this info thoroughly directly then you're going to miss the point. There's many, many concepts presented directly from the bible like direct verses that are blatant plagiarisms beyond a reach or a stretch.

I've been studying comparative religion, comparative mythology etc. for over 15 years off of natural interest and have read many ancient esoteric source texts the bible plagiarized from directly front to back. This would include The Pyramid Text, Coffin Text, Book of the Dead, Epic of Gilgamesh, Enuma Elish, Zend Avesta, Nag the Hammadi scriptures, The Kybalion and much more.

The bible is a composite of ancient pagan mythology. Once again I'm not going off of 2nd or 3rd hand books or YouTube videos, I'm talking about the actual source texts themselves.

This is far beyond what some would try to argue are pagan additions after the fact. That has occurred too however.

A handful of examples off of the head and these are from the Torah, which of of course the foundation for all three Abrahamic religions.

God hovering above the water and said let there be light comes from The Pyramid Text. This is Ra riding on his sun boat across the primeval waters of Nun.

The tree of life is based out of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia as well as the concept of the serpent. That serpent is the same serpent known as uraeus upright on Egyptians crown for royalty. Man being made out of clay is directly from The Epic of Gilgamesh and also references Khnum making man out of potters wheel from ancient Egypt.

The 7 days of creation mirrors The Enuma Elish. The story of Moses left in the bushes is the story of king Sargon from Babylon. Noah's ark flood story mirrors The Epic of Gilgamesh far beyond a reach or a stretch. The concept of Jesus being Christ and the word christ comes from the KRST referring to Heru from ancient Egypt, Lord is shepherd refers to Osiris.

Also, to address the "simple logic" regarding bible being derivative or witchcraft you first have to ask yourself what the typical Christian views as witchcraft and what it is. Witchcraft is essentially man having any DIRECT dealing with the spiritual realm. The problem is this if man realized they had a direct access and practical control with the spirit, god, etc. then that would make the church and the structure of the apostles, priests, and deacons obsolete. This is why an illusionary middle man was added for control and to misdirect people' energy. If people knew they had a direct connection with these things and it was not evil to access such there would be no need for a church or any other outside men. And then from that point the control of the populace and those individuals power, control, and wealth is gone.

Man is much easier to control when they rooted within material and illusion and cut off from source. This is mind control. Also much of the esoteric knowledge within bible has its roots from ancient priesthoods and mystery systems that teach a dead letter literal understanding to veil the higher levels of information and it is also dumbed down essentially for mass consumption and appeal. This is done the same way newspaper is written in 6th grade level for the average person to read. The bible is dumbed down spirituality. What I'm speaking on is far from a stretch or just finding general similarities between spiritual systems. Many things are blatant and direct and reference info consistent across the planet and leverage by various modern sciences as well.

Agree to disagree. I was where you are, about 7-8 years ago.
Agree to disagree. I was where you are, about 7-8 years ago.
Man if you haven't read the source doctrines that I've mentioned and more front to back, studied comparative religion and mythology for long as I have (15+ years) and had the direct experiences that I've had you've never been where I'm at. This is just a general response to specific things I stated that are blatant and undeniable. Also keep in mind that that long ass wall of text was just a short synopsis 🤣💯
Man if you haven't read the source doctrines that I've mentioned and more front to back, studied comparative religion and mythology for long as I have (15+ years) and had the direct experiences that I've had you've never been where I'm at. This is just a general response to specific things I stated that are blatant and undeniable. Also keep in mind that that long ass wall of text was just a short synopsis 🤣💯

I say this with no disrespect… I just dont value your opinion on this, because I was doing the same shit on the IC with DoUWant2go2heaven?

You think you can bait me into a debate and corner me on some shit I don’t even believe because I’m not even Christian. I can already see what you think you got lined up for me based on the works you named, and I don’t subscribe to that in the way you probably think I do.
I say this with no disrespect… I just dont value your opinion on this, because I was doing the same shit on the IC with DoUWant2go2heaven?

You think you can bait me into a debate and corner me on some shit I don’t even believe because I’m not even Christian. I can already see what you think you got lined up for me based on the works you named, and I don’t subscribe to that in the way you probably think I do.
I can tell you're not a Christian from how your posts read, but honestly no disrespect I can tell that you not really clear on this subject like that for real to take what you're saying as credible and legitimate. And I'm a big dude on free will and all of that , but what I'm saying isn't based off of opinion but verifiable fact on a thorough level. And by the way that dude you referencing was a fucking nut lol. He had no real logic or rationale to try to debate with to begin with. Can't debate emotions and irrationality with an individual. You're going to lose every time.