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Is Eminem a racist?

We're talking about racism

My original question, which you responded to, was about more than racism. Hence why I stated "across the board" and my follow up question. If you prefer not to answer, I understand.
They sided with em over Benzino. If a black man went into Jewish culture and had tapes surfaced from years prior saying antisemitic things they wouldn’t side with the black man.
Not even just that.... after trying to buy the tape from Benzino on numerous occasions.... Interscope pulled all advertising from the Source essentially blackballing them
My original question, which you responded to, was about more than racism. Hence why I stated "across the board" and my follow up question. If you prefer not to answer, I understand.
*I* addressed racism, as that's what the thread is about

There's nothing wrong with my comprehension...phuck your condescending tone
All white people have a sense of entitlement and a little bit of that “God complex”.

It’s a cultural thing that is passed down from generation to generation.

I don’t think Eminem today is the type of white person who would disrespect or look down on black people because of their race.

But, at the same time, he’s white and that kinda automatically makes him have a superiority complex when it comes to dealing with other races.

I don’t think he’s a bad guy, though.

I’ve never been a fan and don’t own a single album of his, by the way.
*I* addressed racism, as that's what the thread is about

There's nothing wrong with my comprehension...phuck your condescending tone

I actually turned off my usual condescension and tried to address you as tactfully as I could. Guess I failed.
Been a while since I watched wrestling. Is that the one where it's like 1 v 5 or some shit? Lol