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Is Bokeem Woodbine the best actor of all time?

Can you act out..the levels of you getting drunk and how you are? Or can you just act out when you are drunk. You see him sip and look at Lyric and Jason..you see him manifest the jealousy and feelings of abandonment that made the scene of them in the ride meaningful?

I respect his craft. I just aint gon over rank him.

You acting like he pulled a Charliz in Monster or something.

He did not.
Y’all not even willing to open your minds to the possibility. That’s how great a job he does

look at how he verbalizes feelings when he’s not acting. Contrast that to when he is. He’s constantly given characters that in theory are people that do not exist. yet, he manifests them. And our brains just can’t compute. Homie different

think about, characters like Heath Ledgers joker. That person doesn’t exist, can’t exist, that duality just isn’t possible. And yet, his joker is one of the greatest characters ever

Many threads have shown niggas here group think and can’t expand nor use mental flexibility to have discussions to maybe have a view change.

with that being said, nigga is you sick?
This guy is not even half decent.
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That nigga always the worst actor in everything he's in

I just realized that I never even thought of Bookeem Woodbine as an actor. I always just considered him some dude that happened to be in movies. Like... when the director yells CUT and everybody else relaxes and shit and starts talking in their normal voices.... what changes about him?