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Instagram Will Soon Allow Hr Long Video Uploads


The only way you can share videos longer than a minute on Instagram is if you're live streaming, but that could change in the future. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Facebook-owned social network is already preparing to launch the ability to upload videos up to an hour in length. In addition, Instagram reportedly held discussions with content creators and publishers over the past weeks about the possibility of producing long-form videos for the platform. WSJ says the company is focusing on publishing vertical videos for now, though details could change before the feature launches.

While Instagram hasn't announced anything official yet, WSJ's report doesn't sound far-fetched, considering Facebook's decision to put a bigger focus on videos. If the company is talking to publishers, then we could see professionally produced content on the platform, maybe even shows you can only watch on the app. Those professionally produced shows could lead to more ads and a bigger potential to earn money from the teens who prefer the photo-sharing application to its parent company -- that is, if they're good enough to keep viewers engaged for longer than a few minutes. If and when the feature does become available, the publication says it will live inside the main app and won't debut as a separate application.
A hour is too much time for most of these bird brains in our generation. Only thing they do is look in the camera for about a minute then use their camera as a mirror then start pulling their hair back for about 5 minutes with no conversation, no charisma & nothing to talk about with broken english
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Lol, well as long as we get a fast forward function

Niggas bout to be in the comments like “skip to 32:54 for the titties”

For whatever reason only the saved portions of people's Instagram live are able to be rewinded or fast forwarded. Just press down and hold it and you'll be able to do it.

They need to do it with all IG video functions
If guys can create their own skits/shows for an hr long, instagram will become the new tv. I didn't even think about that shit
im not holding my phone watching some shit on insta for an hour... if this is where they are trying to go with it they need to improve their web interface by a whoooooole lot and add in some controls(FF, Pause, Rewind etc)