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HBO Industry (Season 3)

Added to Calendar: 08-11-24

I don't understand that character. It doesn't seem like it fits. It didn't make sense that she didn't get caught and end up in jail for the insider trading. Then they hint about bringing Bloom back. How does that work out?
Harper is Rishi if Rishi was actually good at his job. Her risk/reward is greater than with any of the other characters so she gets a longer leash cuz she makes ppl longer money.

I think the series will end with her getting caught up tho.
I've actually been rooting for it. They've made her character unlikeable for me

I've been breaking the show differently lately....like all these ppl are soulless so there's no "good" or "likable" here except for maybe Rob. But I feel the show is asking a question about who has most of their humanity intact. The "dinosaurs" like Eric and Rishi let themselves be corrupted by the job and became what they thought they had to be. Yas is corrupted by old money class system + the abuse she never reckoned with. They all act monstrous and will fuck you over for money but they'll pretend they went about it the "right way" by faking relationships with clients and angling to find the best way to sell their bullshit to you.

The job never had to corrupt Harper. She's always been this way and has always been the person that will use information against you if it benefits her. In a way she has the most of her humanity intact in the finance game by not pretending she had any. She's treated ppl as transactions and opportunities for bigger transactions since s1.

The real winners arent the top earners it's the ones that peeped game and got out.
They could go that way. Might be better? New story and characters might be better
I think they'll base Series 4 in the US, given that two of the main characters are moving/have moved there. They'll possibly bring Gus back, because in this series they said he was in California. Which means we may have seen the last of Yas for the time being. In short, Industry as we have known it is over.

I've been breaking the show differently lately....like all these ppl are soulless so there's no "good" or "likable" here except for maybe Rob. But I feel the show is asking a question about who has most of their humanity intact. The "dinosaurs" like Eric and Rishi let themselves be corrupted by the job and became what they thought they had to be. Yas is corrupted by old money class system + the abuse she never reckoned with. They all act monstrous and will fuck you over for money but they'll pretend they went about it the "right way" by faking relationships with clients and angling to find the best way to sell their bullshit to you.

The job never had to corrupt Harper. She's always been this way and has always been the person that will use information against you if it benefits her. In a way she has the most of her humanity intact in the finance game by not pretending she had any. She's treated ppl as transactions and opportunities for bigger transactions since s1.

The real winners arent the top earners it's the ones that peeped game and got out.
I'll have to rewatch season 1 then because Harper didn't seem to have it like this. She faked the degree to get the job and took risk. I shrugged those off but she's definitely gotten worse IMO. She's got no morals and I just straight up don't like the character anymore

I agree Rob might be the only redeeming character which is funny

I was kind of expecting Yas to have this redeeming arc in her story but they just had her go for the money. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to call up Rob later on though

Rishi was a character I never really cared about and they just gave us that episode to show how horrible of a person he is lol

I guess the direction of the show wasn't what I was hoping it'd be
I think they'll base Series 4 in the US, given that two of the main characters are moving/have moved there. They'll possibly bring Gus back, because in this series they said he was in California. Which means we may have seen the last of Yas for the time being. In short, Industry as we have known it is over.
Gus was an interesting character so I think I'd be cool with them bringing him back
The other thing this show does not do is provide us with some sort of time like how much time elapsed since Rishi quit to him losing his cottage and getting the APT
The other thing this show does not do is provide us with some sort of time like how much time elapsed since Rishi quit to him losing his cottage and getting the APT
I agree there. The screen cut to black for a few seconds after Rob drove away from Yas, and then we saw Eric freaking out when he noticed that the Pierpoint name had been changed to Al Miraj-Pierpoint when he was in the building. Although it was obvious that some time has passed, there was no indication as to how long.
I'll have to rewatch season 1 then because Harper didn't seem to have it like this. She faked the degree to get the job and took risk. I shrugged those off but she's definitely gotten worse IMO. She's got no morals and I just straight up don't like the character anymore
Towards the end of Season 1, Yas sums Harper up thus: "You play broken really well. But in the end, you're just a cunt".

Harper is more complex in Season 1, and her true character only reveals itself towards the end, when she betrays people who supported her to save her skin.

In Season 1 she was the main focus of the story, an imposter navigating her way in an environment where everyone else belongs. By the end she's got what she wanted (her job) but lost what she had (her friendship with Yas ... ).