
Active Member
Feb 15, 2017

When Jessica (DeWanda Wise) moves back into her childhood home with her family, her youngest stepdaughter Alice (Pyper Braun) develops an eerie attachment to a stuffed bear named Chauncey she finds in the basement. Alice starts playing games with Chauncey that begin playful and become increasingly sinister. As Alice’s behavior becomes more and more concerning, Jessica intervenes only to realize Chauncey is much more than the stuffed toy bear she believed him to be.
So instead of giving her a black step daughter, they gave her a white one🤦🏾‍♂️
I was disappointed in it.
Thought the creep that was trying to drug (even though his mom said it was allergy meds) the 15 year old was going to get killed.

Only the weirdo babysitter from decades ago was killed. I was laughing during it because it was so obvious she was going to get killed. They barely showed it too

I also expected more chase scenes of whatever dark figure it was in the house