Welcome To aBlackWeb

If you could have ANYTHING in the world RIGHT NOW....

True Freedom. I dont know exactly how to put it myself. To be able to travel where I want at will would be an example. Everybody chases money, but its not really the money and status that I care about, its the freedom that comes with having the finances that I want if that makes any sense.

i hear you.....you wanna just be able to live at your leisure and not worry about getting back to work and all that

have time to take up a hobby or learn some shit without the pressure of missing needed money while you're doing it

totally get that....I got brand new fishing poles and video games and shit I've never opened/touched......cuz, you know, gotta get the money smh
some of this shit is too simple.....

like some of you niggas just gotta open ya mouth and have this shit.

whats wrong with yall?

you niggas cant dream?
thats funny, I hear about bojangles all the time but have never been to one