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If we'd known you all were going to be this much trouble, we woulda picked our own f**king cotton


You're the target, not the victim 🧐
Mod Squad

By: Kelly Broderick

BALTIMORE — Following a trip to Missouri to support Circuit Attorney, Kim Gardner, City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby received a hate-filled voicemail from a caller, using racist rhetoric and violent words.
The message contains hateful language and may be upsetting to some individuals. It can be viewed above.
Mosby released a statement regarding the voicemail which can be viewed below:
“The voicemail I received after my trip to Missouri to support Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner was outrageous, but not surprising. Kim knows that people in positions of power also think like this. These are the types of attacks we encounter every day as women of color in a position of authority, and I traveled to St. Louis because this is the unfortunate experience of black female prosecutors everywhere. It’s deeply disturbing that in 2020 we still have to experience such blatant racism, but this hateful rhetoric only strengthens my resolve to continue fighting for justice, and working to undo the blight of mass incarceration and its impact on communities of color.”
I guess that person lives by the motto "Tell 'em how you really feel." We need more people like that, and they should show their face not just leave voicemails. That way there's no question who the enemy is.

We had that before it don’t work they just gonna be screaming slurs an shit
True, but you have to admit that when the racists felt empowered by Trump's win and came out acting an ass, they all got handled the way they should. They basically wound up humiliated and disgraced in most cases. We need that.

Or empowered even more.
True, but you have to admit that when the racists felt empowered by Trump's win and came out acting an ass, they all got handled the way they should. They basically wound up humiliated and disgraced in most cases. We need that.

That is true tho. I been wanting to steal on a klansman my whole life
This shit had me rolling. Old birches like her need to just die. She the same age as these politicians, judges, police commissioners and others that are such in their old ways and don't value black lives.
Should could woulda but didn't.

Instead of regurgitating talking points that she got from stormfront.com she could try to push solution oriented dialogue.