What members would make a good podcast?
Who would be down to host?
Who would be down to host?
WordBunch of penises huh.
You're white?Senior white people analyst checking in
Adding @Whispering Eye to this listI and I
Sounds like ur Friday nightBunch of penises huh.
I can’t argue with the truth.Sounds like ur Friday night
Come for the master, make sure u hit
Kandy, allergens, goldie, Meeks, remedy, chicity
Dam no love for the lurkster huh....
It would be dope to get an audio of u telling a joke and the room just get silent for a minuteDam no love for the lurkster huh....
I have a terrible stutterKandy, allergens, goldie, Meeks, remedy, chicity
Lemme get reesey's infoI'm always down.
Y'all know me.
Reese's just went live on Instagram.
She gave ABW a big shout out.