Welcome To aBlackWeb


I mean, you're right, but you went and made it mushy

Only thing left for the IC is the VH1 Behind the Music episode
What a fag. I liked it better when you were mean

If I looked like a curly-headed facial hair-less towel boy from a gay bathouse I'd probably be more than a little apprehensive about calling another male, even one on the internet, a "fag"... Jussayin'... I wouldn't be me saying shit like that after looking in the mirror every morning.

Fact of the matter is I've never been mean, I've only ever told the truth, and if people get offended by the truth then they need to off themselves 'cause they ain't built to handle the world how it really is.
How do you know what a curly-headed facial hair-less towel boy from a gay bathouse looks?

It's almost a year later and the folks that were gonna remain actively posting on an internet message board are here. The rest have fallen by the wayside and are likely no longer posting anywhere at all. Even fewer are people that were posting in both places but no longer post at all (i.e. @obnoxiouslyfresh ). I think it's safe to say we're all that's left of a dying breed of internet users. People that still post up on message boards are going the way of people that post in mailing lists, use ICQ, or chat on IRC; we're slowly disappearing. We've gotten older, some of us may have even grew up together on these boards, so to speak. Some of us have gotten married, had kids, kicked off careers, and are doing everything that comes along with that. For some, these boards are now just a distraction from the monotony of our jobs, a way to inject a bit of life into our days or to look back and relish in a simpler time in our lives and if one shuts down we're forced to move on and find other ways to blow time. For a lot of people that took the shape of Youtube, Facebook, and IG. For others, maybe they found boards for specific hobbies they have, maybe they stopped visiting them all together. My wife tells me FB has sections of it similar to message boards; I'm sure quite a few are now there posting random hip hop videos in between pictures of their kids, food, and vacations.

An IC revival would never work because the herd has thinned significantly and nobody is really looking to re-establish with yet another board, even if it's one many of us came from in the first place. The magic of that place is gone as far as I'm concerned. We still have the archive of that forum to look back at, but eventually that'll be gone as well and we'll all be left with nothing more than fleeting memories of a bunch of people we all kicked it with every day, but very rarely met in person.
Damn bruh, this was spot on. I never got really involved on the IC other than politics discussion, movies/tv discussion, and lurking Illpics. But I got a lot of memories looking out of my project window. That place put me on to a lot of what was popping at the time and helped me form a lot of opinions because of the different perspectives.

I'd say by far the insults were some of the most poignant and creative I've ever seen or heard in my life.
yea I had access for a lil while cause I was a "writer" but then they snatched that shit.
I think it's just a glitch. I was trying to give you access to post on the IC that's why it also says "writer" under your title.

Only mods (and at one point writers) are able to post on the IC right now. Was hoping to get you access but it didn't work.
Ur right i remember that now u did that for more posters didnt u?

That might be why i was able to login again
My numbers speak for themselves and I spent 90% of my time in Donkey and GNS. Behind the scenes, we was moving stories and agendas to the point where niggas was beefing with each other and didn't even know why. Never got to the heights of JG, Pimp, and Ike but we got damn close a few times.

I say we cause I never stood alone

Playas Only
NAWF World Order

Just to name a few
Chi is a IC legend tho. I can say chi was somewhat involved in about 80% of the fuckery that took place behind the scenes that nigga was SBD silent but deadly. Nh