Welcome To aBlackWeb

I Think It's Time To Retire.

@JUDAH all jokes aside, I felt that shit too bruh, there was a 4 day span last week where I didnt sleep but 2 hours a night. I felt that shit, turmoil, but I knew it wasnt my own..I knew it was a prediction, stay safe
Time to hang it up

will miss you bro

I've been on forums since I was like 13. I'm about to be 33. Twenty years is a long time. I've changed a lot in that time. Ironically, a forum was the catalyst to the path I've taken in my spiritual growth. I just think it's time for a change. This isn't an post for attention. I'm not even that type of person. It really is me extending myself to anyone out there that might want to keep in contact.

I appreciate all of the laughs yall have provided over three years along with the insight into the lives of people across the diaspora and others. I'm not gonna disappear completely immediately, but this is probably going to be my last post.

I don't want to get to preachy, but the Jacob's Trouble is coming. If anything I've ever posted on here or elsewhere has sparked anything within, feel free to shoot a pm and we can wrap.

Yall be easy.

Hashem yevarech otha

(May the Most High Bless you)

Ah, we were there during the glory days of the social lounge n religion and race. Didn’t know we’re the same age - always thought you were some older dude posted up in Israel - and that it has been 20 damn years already lmao.

all the best fam, this forum routine for me is the closest I got to social media, not sure if I’ll ever hang it up but yeah, Godspeed Judah.